2015-08-03 Project Management Meeting


Aug 3, 2015


  • @Jamie Thomas

  • @raff

  • @Wyclif Luyima

  • @David DeSimone

  • @Daniel Kayiwa


Discussion items







OCL subscription module


  • released 1.0 beta version of module

  • @Former user (Deleted) is working on production server configuration issues

  • after testing the full concepts dictionary will release final 1.0 version (dependent on Jonathan fixing the server side)

OpenMRS Web Framework

@Burke Mamlin

  • will be ranking REST tickets on the 5 Aug design call

Vertical Packaging


  • Burke was to talk w/ Rafal about being the technical owner for metadata mapping - Jamie will get with Burke on this

  • need to take a look at the design we had and see if we can get it in 2.3

Administrative functions

@Wyclif Luyima

Support for MariaDB


  • have not heard back from Cintia - Jamie will reach out again

Condition List

@Daniel Kayiwa

  • Daniel took a look at condition list to see what we need to do to get the API in 2.3

  • Daniel believes that if we do not get volunteers on admin sprint that condition list will not be ready

Upgrade Underlying Technologies


  • not talked about on the 23 July dev forum

FHIR Support

@Suranga Kasthurirathne

  • Suranga is unsure if FHIR will be in the new platform release dependent on the work done this summer by GSoC student - Suranga will be following up

Release Managers


  • Volunteers OpenMRS 2.3: Manika Maheshwari & Tharunya Pati

  • Volunteers Platform 2.0: Mayank Sharma

  • Jamie will get with Burke to give out notifications

Community Development Swim Lane


  • Burke brought this up last week so need him on the call to discuss

JIRA Metrics


  • last week we all agreed to think about how JIRA metrics can be used to measure work happening in the community

  • this was a topic Darius brought up so would like to have him on the call to discuss


@David DeSimone

  • continuing with latest iteration "PIH EMR". Includes registration module, version of dashboard from ref app with customization, new consult note template to make up complete visit flow. Implementing the first two features now.

  • taking a step back and looking at Bahmni application and how to incorporate that into our work. Should we have people available to customize it or should we include it in next version of EMR?

  • PIH interested in condition list when it becomes available, however it is not a priority

Action items

@Suranga Kasthurirathne will follow up with GSoC student to see where project is - Consuming FHIR Resources for OpenMRS
@Wyclif Luyima will send out email to @Tomasz Mueller to see if they cn help with UI sprint tickets 
@Jamie Thomas will speak with Burke about notifying release managers
@Jamie Thomas will add the following topics to net weeks agenda Community Development Swim Lane and JIRA metrics