2014 OpenMRS Leadership Camp: Action Items
2014 OpenMRS Leadership Camp: Action Items
Session 1: Growth of Development Community - @Burke Mamlin and @Darius Jazayeri
Post career path stages (/dev/null 1-5) for devs w/ detail descriptions (deadline GSoC – February)
The full & partial contributor goes away! We are now using numbers. Do not refer to classification as levels when communicating as this will create confusion and mixed messaging.
Create/document process for developer stages and where it is communicated
Document governance (How do people level up?)
Talk to DevOps team (ie, Cyntia and Michael) about the creation of a QA position for testing
@Paul Biondich and @Jonathan Teich to find outside consultant to describe typical software development QA process (not relevant anymore)
@Saptarshi Purkayastha determine whether OpenMRS establishes MOOC opportunity for community members and determine timeline for a start.
Create a list of bug fixes for GSoC (by February)
Create/document process to clean up inactive ticket items (@Jamie Thomas to speak w/ @Burke Mamlin)
Session 2: Partnerships - @Chris Seebregts
Schedule some time with @Burke Mamlin to discuss the development of a “partnership “triangle”
Operationalize the “partnership triangle” - potentially using new Mozambique? partnership with @Jan Flowers (BL 6/15 seems like this is proceeding, TW,MZ,UCSF,I-TECH,OMRS)
@Chris Seebregts to work with @Saptarshi Purkayastha on different MOOC partnership opportunities
Put in nomination to the leadership list for 2 partnership co-leads (Bill Lober & Jan Flowers)
Partnership team to review and revise partnership function for 2015 in its current state as in relation to the last year. (BL 6/15 lots of discussion spring 2015)
Create new version of MOU with SES then send to the leadership list for review and feedback (BL 6/15 We don't really have a single SES-relationship lead, Daruis is TW-relationship lead?)
@Paul Biondich, @Chris Seebregts, and @Former user (Deleted) to speak about PIH partnership (next 6mth)
Session 3: Strategy - @Hamish Fraser
@Paul Biondich and @Hamish Fraser to document, test and create process around vetting crosscutting strategic directions for OpenMRS on leadership communication forums
Examples: approach to aggregate reporting, integration with mobile technologies, integration with lab systems, approach to emergent disease threats
needs "steward" function to be created
Create wiki page for queuing up topics that need to be vetted (e.g. Ebola, HIV care, etc.)
Session 4: Leadership – @Paul Biondich
Document on the wiki…
create general guidance on basic attributes of an OpenMRS leader
process for new leaders to be nominated
document roles onto the leadership team page
make a list and contact people who did not think they were OpenMRS leaders and talk to them about leadership straw man
get campers on mailing list then send out how to join calls and schedule?? (deadline by December 5th)
schedule a leadership call where Board members can join? Get Board these action items?
consider revisions of existing leadership org structure, revise top level leadership structure if necessary, leaders will nominate below that
create transparency of leadership topics, decisions and communications for the community
Session 5: OpenMRS Inc. - @Paul Biondich
Session 6: Regional Communities – @Suranga Kasthurirathne & @Pascal Brandt (Regional Community Managers)
Other Meeting Action Items
, multiple selections available,
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