2015-10-08 Developers Forum

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  • OMRS15 Hackathon, Quarterly Technology Radar (deferred d/t time), Community Supported Module Review

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OpenMRS Developers Forum 2015-10-08


  • Burke Mamlin

  • Jamie Thomas

  • Michael Downey

  • Serghei Luchianov

  • Darius Jazayeri

  • Rafal Korytkowski

  • HS Sofa Surfers

  • Joseph Kaweesi

  • Wyclif Luyima

  • Terry Cullen

  • Willa


OMRS15 Hackathon w/ Kaweesi

Quarterly Technology Radar


  • Reference Application 2.3 included modules: https://openmrs.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RES/Release+Notes+2.3

  • Admin UI: Not in Modules Repo https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/220/admin-ui-module

  • Allergies API: https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/175/allergies-api

    • Owner: dkayiwa

    • Maintainers: wyclif, dkayiwa

    • Health/Status: active

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

    • Plan: will merge into core with Platform 2.0 (remove from next distribution)

    • TODOs

  • Allergies UI: https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/174/allergies-ui

    • Owner: dkayiwa

    • Maintainers: wyclif, dkayiwa

    • Health/Status: stable

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

      • Tied to Allergies API module (which would be moved into openmrs-core)

      • Continue to support this module

    • Plan: keep in next distribution

    • TODOs

  • App Framework Module: https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/5/appframework

    • Owner: darius

    • Maintainers: rseymour, darius, rowanseymour, mogoodrich

    • Health/Status: stable

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

      • We need to continue supporting this

    • Plan: keep in next distribution

    • TODOs

  • App UI Module https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/8/appui

    • Owner: darius

    • Maintainers: darius, mogoodrich

    • Health/Status: stable

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

    • Plan: keep in next distribution

    • TODOs

  • Appointment Scheduling https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/7/appointmentscheduling

    • Owner: tgreensweig

    • Maintainers: wyclif, tgreensweig, yony258, mogoodrich

    • Health/Status: stable

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

      • PIH has been working this more recently than Tobin has

    • Plan: keep in next distribution

    • TODOs

  • Appointment Scheduling UI Module https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/200/appointment-scheduling-ui-module

    • Owner: mogoodrich

    • Maintainers: wyclif, mogoodrich

    • Health/Status: stable

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

    • Plan: keep in next distribution

    • TODOs

      • @Wyclif Luyima to change ownership in module repo

  • Atlas Module https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/10/atlas

    • Owner: burke

    • Maintainers: alexis.duque, burke, wyclif, mvorobey

    • Health/Status: stable

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

      • unclear whether active changes are being made to module

      • @daniel merged recent changes to the source code

      • Need to do some work to bring it to admin's attention during installation or first run

    • Plan: keep in next distribution

    • TODOs

  • Calculation https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/15/calculation

    • Owner: wyclif

    • Maintainers: wyclif, djazayeri, mseaton

    • Health/Status: stable

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

      • Those on the call aren't aware of current bugs within module, things are relatively stable

      • KenyaEMR has used this more than others

    • Plan: keep in next distribution

    • TODOs

      • @Burke Mamlin to reach out to KenyaEMR folks about feedback on Calculation module

  • Chart Search Module https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/164/chart-search-module

    • Owner: k.joseph

    • Maintainers: k.joseph, dkayiwa

    • Health/Status: active

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

      • lots of work being done during GSoC, would suspect that this would result in one or more new releases of the module

    • Plan: keep in next distribution

    • TODOs

      • @Kaweesi Joseph verify that a new version of module will be available for next release (September, 2015)

      • 1.4.1 was released during the summer/gsoc2015

  • Core Apps Module https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/177/core-apps-module

    • Owner: darius

    • Maintainers: darius, Wyclif

    • Health/Status: stable

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

      • Continually developed (and supported) so new releases forthcoming

    • Plan: [ add/keep in next distribution | needs work | remove from next distribution ]

    • TODOs

      • releases as per routine schedule

  • Data Exchange Module https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/196/data-exchange-module

    • Owner: raff

    • Maintainers: raff

    • Health/Status: stable

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

      • the implementation considered in this module isn't committed to long term, might be superceded by OCL subscription module

      • "Included but not supported"

    • Plan: keep unless OCL Subscription module supercedes the need for it (review for next release)

    • TODOs

      • (responsible person or group) Description of task

  • EMR API Module https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/38/emrapi 

    • Owner: darius

    • Maintainers: dkayiwa, darius

    • Health/Status: active

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

      • Continually developed (and supported) so new releases forthcoming

    • Plan: keep in the next distribution

    • TODO:

      • @Jamie Thomas to  schedule a design call on "EMRAPI features (aligning efforts)" time to review some of the various new features that are being developed in parallel (who are developing these?) Some are being developed by Bahmini

  • Event Module https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/40/event

    • Owner: raff

    • Maintainers: raff, bwolfe, mogoodrich, Wyclif

    • Health/Status: stable

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

      • Currently stable, in bugfix mode

    • Plan: keep in the next distribution

    • TODOs

  • Form Entry App Module https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/173/form-entry-app-module

    • Owner: darius

    • Maintainers: raff, darius

    • Health/Status: stable

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

      • Supported

    • Plan: keep in the next distribution

    • TODOs

  • HTML Form Entry https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/58/htmlformentry

    • Owner: mogoodrich

    • Maintainers: darius, mseaton, ball, dthomas, mogoodrich

    • Health/Status: active

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

      • Supported

    • Plan: keep in the next distribution

    • TODOs

      • [DONE] @Darius Jazayeri to change ownership to @Mark Goodrich

  • HTML Form Entry Extensions for OpenMRS 1.9 Module (!) https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/59/htmlformentry19ext

    • Owner: darius

    • Maintainers: mogoodrich, darius

    • Health/Status: stable

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

      • Platform 1.9.x is EOL as of our next minor release. Is merging necessary? Yes.

    • Plan: keep in the next distribution

    • TODOs

      • @Mark Goodrich to help us merge these extensions into HTML Form Entry for a future release (make ticket(s) and/or assign work)

  • HTML Form Entry UI https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/60/htmlformentryui

    • Owner: mogoodrich

    • Maintainers: darius, mseaton, mogoodrich

    • Health/Status: stable

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

      • Supported

    • Plan: keep in the next distribution

    • TODOs

  • HTML Widgets https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/62/htmlwidgets

    • Owner: mseaton

    • Maintainers: mseaton, jmiranda, djazayeri, mogoodrich

    • Health/Status: stable

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

      • Supported since reporting is

    • Plan: [ add/keep in next distribution | needs work | remove from next distribution ]

    • TODOs

  • ID Generation https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/65/idgen

    • Owner: mseaton

    • Maintainers: mseaton, djazayeri, darius, mogoodrich

    • Health/Status: stable

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

      • Supported, there is an IDGEN webservices module that needs to be merged into it (pull request is in process)

    • Plan: keep in the next distribution

    • TODOs

      • merge IDGen webservices module into IDGEN

  • Metadata Deploy https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/81/metadatadeploy

    • Owner: mseaton

    • Maintainers: mseaton, mogoodrich, rowanseymour

    • Health/Status: stable

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

      • Supported

    • Plan: keep in the next distribution

    • TODOs

  • Metadata Mapping https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/82/metadatamapping

    • Owner: raff

    • Maintainers: raff

    • Health/Status: stable

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

      • Supported

    • Plan: keep in the next distribution

    • TODOs

  • Metadata Sharing https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/83/metadatasharing

    • Owner: raff

    • Maintainers: mogoodrich, bryq, raff, djazayeri

    • Health/Status: stable

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

      • Supported, we should consider focusing on bug fixes Vs adding new features

    • Plan: keep in the next distribution

    • TODOs

  • Name Phonetics https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/90/namephonetics

    • Owner: dthomas

    • Maintainers: dthomas, mseaton, mogoodrich

    • Health/Status: stable

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

      • Supported

      • May be broken against Platform 1.11+ and needs to get rewritten

    • Plan: keep or remove in the next distribution

    • TODOs

      • @Burke Mamlin to ask on Talk if others than PIH are using. If not, then maybe should become a PIH-owned module

  • Provider Management Module https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/112/providermanagement

    • Owner: mogoodrich

    • Maintainers: mogoodrich

    • Health/Status: stable

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

      • Provides one key feature to reference application (provider types)... this function needs to be pulled into core which would obviate the need of this module

    • Plan: [ add/keep in next distribution | needs work | remove from next distribution ]

    • TODOs

      •  add a conversation for this module to a future design call re: the above

      • @Jamie Thomas to schedule a design call on "Supporting provider types"

      • @Burke Mamlinto create a project page for "Provider types (Design Page)"

      • Once provider types are supported, this module can be removed from ref app

  • Reference Application Module https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/179/reference-application-module

    • Owner: darius

    • Maintainers: darius

    • Health/Status: stable

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

      • "The glue that ties everything together in the RA"

      • Released with each RA release

      • Continually developed (and supported) so new releases forthcoming

    • Plan: keep in the next distribution

    • TODOs

  • Reference Demo Data Module https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/178/reference-demo-data-module

    • Owner: darius

    • Maintainers: raff, dkayiwa, wyclif

    • Health/Status: stable

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

      • OPTIONAL

      • Supported

    • Plan: keep  in the next distribution

    • TODOs

      •  Identify a potential volunteer to improve/care for this

  • Reference Metadata Module https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/176/reference-metadata-module

    • Owner: darius

    • Maintainers: darius, dkayiwa

    • Health/Status: stable

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

      • Supported

    • Plan: keep in the next distribution

    • TODOs

  • Registration App Module https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/202/registration-app-module

    • Owner: wyclif

    • Maintainers: wyclif

    • Health/Status: active

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

      • Supported

      • PIH is currently adding features to this module

    • Plan: keep in the next distribution

    • TODOs

      • @Wyclif Luyima to contact @David DeSimone to check for future functionality / new release

  • Registration Core Module https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/201/registration-core-module

    • "Provides core utilities and services for patient registration." Works paired with Registration App Module.

    • Owner: wyclif

    • Maintainers: wyclif

    • Health/Status: stable

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

      • Supported, stable and is driven by the needs in the Registration App module

    • Plan: keep in the next distribution

    • TODOs

  • Reporting  https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/119/reporting

    • Owner: mseaton

    • Maintainers: darius, bwolfe, mseaton, jmiranda

    • Health/Status: active

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

      • Supported, several bug fixes done

      • Continually developed (and supported) so new releases forthcoming

    • Plan: keep in next distribution

    • TODOs

  • Reporting REST https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/121/reportingrest

    • Owner: darius

    • Maintainers: darius

    • Health/Status: some issues

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

      • "RESTful Web Services for the reporting module" (Can this be renamed with spaces and such? :-)

      • Someone needs to start actively working on this very soon, but no one is currently.

    • Plan: [ add/keep in next distribution | needs work | remove from next distribution ]

    • TODOs

      • have specific design forum for review of webservices for Reporting

      • consider merging this module into reporting, as we are for IDGEN and IDGEN Webservices

      • @Jamie Thomas to schedule design call for "Reporting REST" (need mseaton, darius, and someone who wants to consumer reporting REST like AMPATH)

  • Serialization Xstream https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/132/serialization-xstream

    • Owner: mseaton

    • Maintainers: bwolfe, luzhuangwei, mseaton

    • Health/Status: stable

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

      • Does this need a new owner instead of luzhuangwei? (Zhuangwei Lu)

      • Supported, bug fixes should be addressed

    • Plan: keep in next distribution

    • TODOs

      • @Burke Mamlin to request ownership change to @Mike Seaton for now

  • UI Commons Module https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/143/uicommons

    • Owner: darius

    • Maintainers: darius

    • Health/Status:active

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

      • Needs more maintainers?

    • Plan: keep in next distribution

    • TODOs

      • (responsible person or group) Description of task

  • UI Framework https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/144/uiframework

    • Owner: darius

    • Maintainers: mogoodrich, darius

    • Health/Status: stable

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

      • Continually developed (and supported) so new releases forthcoming

      • "backbone of reference application"

    • Plan: keep in next distribution

    • TODOs

  • UI Library Module https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/145/uilibrary

    • Owner: darius

    • Maintainers: mogoodrich, rowanseymour, darius

    • Health/Status: stable

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

      • We will remove when we have provider management in core

    • Plan: keep in next distribution

    • TODOs

      • We would like to get of this, and this should be done once we get rid of provider management

      • These changes need to be scheduled for next release

  • Web Services REST https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/153/webservices-rest

    • Owner: darius

    • Maintainers: dkayiwa, darius, wyclif, bwolfe, raff, djazayeri

    • Health/Status: active

    • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)

      • Continually developed (and supported) so new releases forthcoming

    • Plan: keep in next distribution

    • TODOs


  • Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download (available after the meeting)