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Reference Application 2.3 | @Tharunya Pati | |
Platform 1.12 | @Shruthi Dipali & Sathyan | Shruthi and Bahmni Project Manager Sathyan will be pairing to be the release managers for 1.12 Need to talk with release managers about what all will go into 1.12 1.12 will focus on drug entry and order sets
Platform 2.0 | @Mayank Sharma | Week of October 19 all hands on deck to work on remove legacy UI - https://talk.openmrs.org/t/update-on-moving-legacy-ui-to-a-module/3327 Wyclif working on tickets to have a sprint later this week. Darius recommends getting the first part of the coding done and then ask for people to help create tickets Planning on merging in all initial work for removing deprecated methods this week (10/19) @Daniel Kayiwa will be taking the first pass.
Implementations | | |