How To Join
Contact Jamie Thomas for more information on how to join the call.
- feedback from the camp
- update on governance document
- update on due outs for the five goals--who/ when/ review and expectation
Meeting Minute
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Apologies: Andy Kanter (conflict), Michael Downey (vaca)
- Michael will be sending out a survey about the camp after he returns from vacation
- Any burning thoughts now? No
- want to be drive by goals and tasks going forward (listed below), agreed to process, and assigned people to those.
- update on due outs for the five goals--who/ when/ review and expectation
- Objective #1 OpenMRS Platform - Burke, Andy, Kaweesi, Darius, Maurya, Jan
- Burke plans to post to goals and tasks on Talk today
- Are we posting on current state or based on future? Feedback was to post based on current state and then with specific resources we would be abe to do this.
- Need anything from us? Have strawman just need to post today. So not at this time.
- Objective #2: Reference App Goals and Task Planning - Jonathan, Burke, Kaweesi, Andy, Jan, Bill, Maurya
- Objective #3: Distributions Goals and Tasks Planning - Jan, Darius, Burke, Andy, Pascal
- Had a call last night and looked at objective and created goals out of that.
- Going to ignore resourcing at this time and just focus on what we think should happen then come back to resourcing.
- Need anything from us? Not right now. Plan to meet twice a week until we get this done.
- PB - Would you like Paul to reach out to OpenSRP & OpenHMIS since they are thinking about distributions so they can weign in? Between now and Summit it would be good to get outside feedback.
- Objective #4 - Saptarshi, Maurya, Suranga
- Saptarshi will write Talk post today and then gather the group
- GSoC application has gone it and will know something in the next week
- Group to think about 10 by 10 AMIA course – for education options
- Set up a time on Friday to meet and anyone is welcome to join.
- Objective #6: Organizational Development Goals and Tasks Planning - Terry, Andy, Suranga
- Suranga and Terry will meet this afternoon. The other objectives feed into this objective.
- Partnerships will feed into this objective.
- Terry will talk to Hamish at AMIA about operational metrics
- Paul wants to take on the responsibility to get this document across the finish line
- Want to talk specifically around decision making for this group, Management Committee
- Community has grown alot and but leadership has not changed with it.
- Is Management Committee a good name? Community Empowerment?
- BL - Think there is some external connotations. Worried about mirroring business titles.
- PB - Do we want to make it a group inside leadership or additional ppl can particpate?
- Paul will apply the thought of 1. the leadership has a place in which they will convene 2. management committee will be a "sub-group" that are in charge of other tasks - they need to be seperated in the governance doc
- getting on management group could be a volunteer
- need to show roles and responsibilites in management vs. leadership
- Invitations to the Summit - Terry
- are posted on the wiki - ??
- Have Michael give a presentation or share communication tools
Next weeks topics: (any other suggestions)
- LG transparency of leadership calls and interactions
- Relook at mission/vision/ values (updated 2010)