How To Join
Contact Jamie Thomas for more information on how to join the call.
- Standup for Objectives
- BAA Update
- KPIs for OpenMRS's Community Health
- Licensing Bahmni Code
Meeting Minute
Jamie Thomas
Bill Lober
Paul Biondich
Michael Downey
Burke Mamlin
Jan Flowers
Mike Seaton
Hamish Fraser
terry cullen
Apologies: Jonathan Teich, Chris Seebregts, Pascal Brandt
Agenda/ Notes
Standup for Objectives/Goals (20 min)
- Needing people to send there resources to Terry so we can get
- Need to determine move from interim to official lead for the year for each goal
- Need some dates added to the CY2016 OpPlan but otherwise good to go.
- TODO - Burke will take a look at the OpPlan and make sure dates are correct/entered.
- Bill won't be on the call for this part of the discussion, and Jonathan not here. Bill plans to dig through holiday emails on the topic over the weekend.
- Need content for the CY2016 OpPlan
- TODO - Paul will follow up with Jonathan and Bill to get this portion wrapped up. Also will see if they want to continue to lead this.
- Good to go except for updates on resources to end of report
- Need to look at money and budget.
- TODO - Jan and Darius will get updates into the OpPlan
- TODO - Need Saptarshi to approve what has been entered for this section
- TODO - Jan need to finish this up.
- Meet this week to finalize (Friday 11amET on Uberconference if anyone wants to join)
BAA Update (5 min)
- out together concept notes: OMRS involved in terminology services, EMR
- EMR was not an accepted concept note but was combined with another proposal, so may have a slight opportunity to give input
- Review panel will take each proposal and will accept or reject them. USAID first round and outside second round
- USAID is helping to prepare proposals
- TODO - Paul will be sending out a communication with more details and specifics that were received by USAID
KPIs for OpenMRS's Community Health (5 min - Darius)
- pulling numbers for annual report realized we could do much more with data then we are.
- Darius will be helping to pull data into one place to analyze and come up with metrics
- people need to think about the power to create performance metrics from our community
Licensing Bahmni Code (20 min)
- See Bill's comments on the talk thread (maybe I'm wrong, but I tried to present a simple understanding. If I'm wrong, I'd like to know, so please respond w/ a brief comment on Talk)
Current OpenMRS policy and historical background:
- The will of the OpenMRS was that, in order to maximize usage of OpenMRS, the posture was that if people make changes to the core code, those must be contributed back, but extensions above and beyond that may be licensed however you want. (Thus the choice of MPL which is a file-level license.)
- Our contribution policy says that OpenMRS accepts all kinds of code, and would then redistribute (with permission) as MPL.
- AGPL does not prohibit charging. Have to publish source code.
- All distributed code will be MPL-HD-licensed
TODO - Paul will talk to Larry Rosen about the legal aspects of this and come back to leadership.
- need to spell out the differences between the two licenses that are currently being used
- and maybe the specific question Mike asked: "What if OpenMRS took 80% of the Bahmni code and turned this into a new Reference Application, that Bahmni would then later become a distribution of?"
Parking Lot (Due to insufficient time some topics have been moved to a future call. If you feel like something should be made a priority for this weeks agenda please post to this thread.)
- Setting up the Leadership Group name
- Review mission, vision and values
- Work with Partnership team to establish Collaboration/Partnership Model
- Transforming from Leadership Call to Community Management
- Communications tools: Talk - primary messages, Trello - task tracking