2016-01-04 Project Management Meeting


Jan 4, 2016


  • @Jamie Thomas

  • @Darius Jazayeri

  • @Mayank Sharma

  • @Wyclif Luyima

  • @Daniel Kayiwa

  • @Theresa Cullen


  • Get caught up on where things are after the holiday break 

Discussion items







Community Development Status


  • Darius will start posting more publicly about getting formal on recording things that happen in the community so we can create metrics and give people feedback

  • All should label appropriate tickets as "community priority"

Platform 1.12

@Shruthi Dipali

  • showcase on 11 Jan design call

  • UI put on hold for awhile

Platform 2.0


  • alpha out in next 2 days

  • have drafted helpdesk, blog and talk communications

  • locally testing modules that need to be bundled

  • legacy UI should be in test

  • will work on updating REST web services after releasing Platform 2.0 alpha.

  • need legacy UI release before alpha

  • decided on the REST resource approach, and will work on this after the alpha

  • next version 2.0 alpha then 2.0 beta

  • outstanding 2.0 platform tickets, 10-12 tickets will be released with alpha and then other released with beta

  • tickets with design tickets need to be design forum topics

  • need new organized process for servers

  • priority is for automated builds to go into platform then deal with QA platform

  • Darius recommends that the integration and QA servers are only what actual release is (UAT server needs legacy UI)

  • finalize a way to transition reference application to run on 2.0, alpha release will re-kindle conversation



  • Would like to see other topics on this call, not just dev and tech

  • How are you planning to track activity Darius? Propose new database for GitHub, Talk, Wiki.

  • ThoughtWorks devs in India are planning to work on Atlas Module (dev forum topic)

  • Elliott Williams to show dev on module repository

Action items

@Darius Jazayeri will start posting more publicly about getting formal on recording things that happen in the community so we can create metrics and give people feedback
@Mayank Sharma will be releasing Platform 2.0 alpha release in 2 days
@raff will do a release of REST web services with no new features before the Platform 2.0 Alpha
@Wyclif Luyima will release legacy UI module imminently in advance of the Platform 2.0-alpha release.
@Mayank Sharma will work to get 2.0 outstanding design tickets on upcoming design calls (work with @Jamie Thomas), can post on Talk w/ "design-forum" tag
@Mayank Sharma will talk with the infrastructure team about organization of servers
@Mayank Sharma will share blog and talk posts with people privately to get feedback
@Darius Jazayeri will reach out to @Elliott Williams to show dev on module repository.