2016-01-25 Project Management Meeting


Jan 25, 2016


  • @Jamie Thomas

  • @Darius Jazayeri

  • @Sri Maurya Kummamuru

  • @Burke Mamlin

  • @Theresa Cullen

  • @Wyclif Luyima

  • @Mayank Sharma

  • @Parker Erway

  • @Daniel Kayiwa


  • Monitoring Scrums

  • Technical Roadmap

  • 2.4 activities

Discussion items







Summary of scrums


  • have a omrs-scrum-bot that is monitoring the activities happening in scrums

  • scrums are happening quickly wondering if we can communicate as to create more synergy

  • would like to see scrums used to figure out what to do about blockers if it needs more time to resolve then taking it offline

  • currently there are 5 broken builds - this on the OpenMRSBot. how are we getting broken builds looked at and fixed?

  • Burke updated wiki page to 

  • tickets showing in "review/testing" that believe need to moved back to "working" or "closed"

  • omrs-scrum bot is a tool for the community dev lead would follow up on in progress tickets

  • would like to work towards having other community members be part of the Community Development Swim Lane schedule

Platform 1.12

  • need update on progress

  • should we be scheduling a showcase of the release?

Platform 2.0


Reference Application 2.4


  • Release include 2.3 with updated modules

  • Release is scheduled for March 2016

  • @James deGraft-Johnson has volunteered to be release manager

Action items

@Daniel Kayiwa (community dev lead) will follow up on the six in progress tickets for scrums
@Darius Jazayeri will get an update on Platform 1.2
@Mayank Sharma will put a note out to developer telling them the advantages and efficiencies they can gain from participating in scrums.
@Mayank Sharma will ping dev5s to help clean up database changes in platform since 1.10.0