2016-02-18 Developers Forum
2016-02-18 Developers Forum
Jamie Thomas
Burke Mamlin
Owned by Jamie Thomas
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- FOSDEM trip report, Google Code-in (GCI) work review
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OpenMRS Developers Forum 2016-02-18
Recording: https://goo.gl/k1jWPd
- Jamie Thomas
- Burke Mamlin
- Shekhar Reddy
- Daniel Kayiwa
- Ivange Larry
- Vishnurao
- Pralay
- Michael Downey
- Shreyans Sheth
- Wyclif Luymia
- Suranga Nath Kasthurirathne
- Ulrich Tchuenkam
- Darius Jazayeri
FOSDEM trip report (Michael Downey)
- FOSDEM: Free & Open Source Developers' European Meeting
- Brussels, Belgium, ULB campus
- This was edition number 16
- Free registration, expenses paid for by sponsors & selling beer/food
- Estimates of 8,000 people (Univ. limit is 5k)
- Food carts & canteen operational during the weekend
- 569 speakers, 618 events, and 52 tracks
- A few keynotes
- Ongoing room for lightning talks: https://fosdem.org/2016/schedule/track/lightning_talks/
- Ongoing LPI, BSD, LibreOffice certification exams: https://fosdem.org/2016/certification/
- Several associated events before/after: https://fosdem.org/2016/fringe/
- Main tracks: Distros, Enterprise, Hardware, Communications, Miscellaneous, Office, Systems Administration, Virtualisation
- Primary focus: 37 "Dev rooms" for themes, languages, etc.
- Pretend you were there!
- Full list of all sessions: https://fosdem.org/2016/schedule/events/
- Videos from most sessions (30GB+ still being uploaded): https://video.fosdem.org/2016/
- Michael Downey's YouTube playlist of highlight sessions: http://mjd.bz/fosdem16
- FLOSS Community Metrics summit
- This was the latest in a series of meetings of people interested in measuring open source communities
- Organized by Bitergia, a research & services company in this space
- OpenMRS is partnering with them to run community analytics on their open source (Kibana-based) stack
- If you are interested in assisting with this, please contact Michael Downey
- OpenMRS presence at FOSDEM 2017:
- The largest networking opportunity for FOSS people on the planet
- Mostly EU-based people, but also global leaders in open source
- OpenMRS people based in Europe, or people who would like to go
- Remember the travel grant program for community members going to OpenMRS events or giving OpenMRS talks:
- Lightning talks?
- Can we fit into any of the existing dev room?
- Contact Michael Downey if you're interested!
GCI Wrap-Up Report (Suranga Kasthurirathne)
- 2015 is our second year with GCI. 2014 was a trial run, and highly successful
- Ran from Dec 7th, 2015 to Jan 25th, 2016
- Open to students 13-17 (high schoolers) - tasks not limited to code, also involved outreach, documentation etc.
- 74 students completed 180 tasks: tasks are repeatable, so can get a bit boring
- Highlights
- Many of our mentors were ex-gci/gsoc students (yay!)
- Total of 16 mentors
- Larger participation in comparison to last year
- Thanks Robbie, Nyah and ex-GCI'ers
- hightened efforts to cheat, but we caught 'em all
- Most completed tasks did not automatically make you a winner!
- Participants / winners (mostly) from different regions that gsoc
- Winners
- Decision making process
- Grand prize winners: Břetislav Hájek from the Czech republic, and a, Vicente Bermúdez from Montevideo, Uruguay
- Finalist: Collins Nji, from Bamenda, Cameroon
- Winners: Alexian, Syed Ahmed
- next year
- "Mo" mentors (all GSoC students will be asked to mentor GCI students at the end of the year)
- More coordinated effort around comming up with gci tasks all year around
- Questions
- How can we do better at identifying/tagging small projects/tasks that can wait until end of the year, and go into the GCI queue? JIRA? Something else?
- JIRA tagging
- Maybe "gci" to suggest potential issues and "gci-20xx" for items specifically planned for a specific year of GCI.
- It would help to have a brief description for the community to understand the opportunity
- "GCI is ... . You can propose tasks by ..." (best if it can fit in a tweet or two. :-)
- Can we move up our pre-work before we apply? Timing with Summit is tight. (i.e., Assume we'll get accepted!)
- Agree that working on things during the time of the Summit is difficult. May want to move up the timing of when pre-work should be done.
- Was there an after action review with the students? (or is this it?)
- That is not necessarily practical as students work with a large number of FOSS projects vs. GSoC where they are matched up 1:1.
- Is there _any_ mechanism for student feedback to the project (i.e., how can OpenMRS do GCI better next year)?
- TODO: MD will look to see if there's a way to communicate with student participants throught the new task management site after the tasks are complete.
Current mentors: Suranga, Pascal, Maurya, Kumara, Maimoona, Rafal ... who else? :-)
Unassigned projects page: https://openmrs.atlassian.net/wiki/x/GgtUAQ
Dev forum next week: Project Buendia Update w/ Fabian Tamp, DHISreport WIP w/ Sri Maurya Kummamuru
- Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download (available after the meeting)
, multiple selections available,
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