How to Join
Contact Jamie Thomas for more information on how to join the call.
- Partnerships
- Advisory Committee
- Review Operational Plan Budget
- AOBs (5 min)
- Review next meeting agenda
Regrets: Darius, Jonathan, Burke, Mike
Information on Goals #1 & #2 (Paul)
- Hamish, Darius and Paul will be meeting next Monday to talk about Goal #2
- Paul still needs to work w/ Burke to get platform activities to work with #2
Advisory Committee Nominees (Paul/Terry)
- "The OpenMRS Advisory Council’s mission is to provide feedback to the OpenMRS Leadership Team, with the goal of helping the community successfully develop and implement its organizational strategy and goals."
- revise 1st verison of the charter
- constitution of the advisory board
- AK - How does OMRS advisory board relate to OHIE advisory?
- PB - advisory board for OpenMRS will help us realize and refine our operational plan, OHIE thoughts around advisory is different.
- TC - OMRS adviosry board charter is stripped downl. take from attributes of advisory board.
- MD - need to ensure our direction is benefical to our customers. work with larger regional HIT groups to see the direction in which things are heading
- MD: Why are we focusing on names before we have agreement about the charter/purpose/scope of the group? Without having that clarified, we'll have no idea who should be on the group. (Nor should we!)
- BL: maybe have a larger group with more than 20 ppl and then have different avenues for advisors
- TODO: Paul will cross walk starter set of advisors and bring it back to leadership team to discuss.
- have a press release going out today or tomorrow
- will see post on Talk as well
url for the invite to the advisory committee
Topics we did not get to this week
Community and Inc Relationship - (Darius, Andy & Chris)
Review Operational Plan & Budget
Parking Lot
Review Communications Tools
Partnerships (3/10?)
Diversity in OpenMRS(Terry) (3/10?)
naming for the reference application (due to proposed changes) (March)
Discuss Proposed OpenMRS Leadership Team (March)