2016-04-25 Project Management Meeting
2016-04-25 Project Management Meeting
Apr 25, 2016
@Jamie Thomas
@Wyclif Luyima
@Burke Mamlin
@Daniel Kayiwa
Discussion items
Item | Who | Notes |
2.0 | @Mayank Sharma |
2.4 | @James deGraft-Johnson |
2.5 | ?? |
Action items
@Jamie Thomas will email @James deGraft-Johnson on the status of 2.4 since he was unable to join the PM call today and then reach out to @Andrew Kanter
@Jamie Thomas will reach out to @Sri Maurya Kummamuru to see if there is any candidates for release manager of 2.5.
@Burke Mamlin and @Jamie Thomas will speak with @Hamish Fraser about reference app releases