2016-04-28 Developers Forum

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OpenMRS Developers Forum 2016-04-28
  • Jamie Thomas 
  • Burke
  • Daniel Kayiwa
  • Michael Downey
  • Tim N.
  • Vishnu Rao
  • Ada
  • Wyclif
  • Shekhar
  • Saptarshi
  • Address Hierarchy Module
  • Owner: Hector Manuel (manuel1972)
  • Maintainers: community
  • Health/Status: stable
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts:
  • We should add this to list of official RefApp modules (i.e., distributed and supported modules)
  • Plan:
  • Add
  • Owner: wyclif (should be Burke) (FIXED 2016-04-28 MJD)
  • Maintainers: community
  • Health/Status: active
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • Plan: add/keep in next distribution
  • TODOs
  • Darius Jazayeri will create a ticket to add module ID to indexing of modules in module repo (need to verify this with Darius)
  • (responsible person or group?) Create a JIRA issue to move this functionality into openmrs-core
  • Owner: dkayiwa
  • Maintainers: wyclif, dkayiwa
  • Health/Status: active
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • Plan: will be phased out with Platform 2.0
  • TODOs
  • Owner: dkayiwa
  • Maintainers: wyclif, dkayiwa
  • Health/Status: stable
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • Tied to Allergies API module (which would be moved into openmrs-core) - No longer the case with Platform 2.0+
  • Continue to support this module
  • Plan: keep in next distribution
  • TODOs
  • Owner: darius
  • Maintainers: rseymour, darius, rowanseymour, mogoodrich
  • Health/Status: stable
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • We need to continue supporting this
  • Plan: keep in next distribution
  • TODOs
  • Owner: darius
  • Maintainers: darius, mogoodrich
  • Health/Status: stable
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • Plan: keep in next distribution
  • TODOs
  • Owner: tgreensweig
  • Maintainers: wyclif, tgreensweig, yony258, mogoodrich
  • Health/Status: stable
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • PIH has been working this more recently than Tobin has
  • Plan: keep in next distribution
  • TODOs
  • [Burke] Find out who is actively using this
  • Owner: mogoodrich
  • Maintainers: wyclif, mogoodrich
  • Health/Status: stable
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • Designed to work within Reference Application "2.0" UI (UI framework)
  • Plan: keep in next distribution
  • TODOs
  • Owner: burke
  • Maintainers: jan, alexis.duque, burke, wyclif, mvorobey
  • Health/Status: stable
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • unclear whether active changes are being made to module
  • @daniel merged recent changes to the source code
  • Need to do some work to bring it to admin's attention during installation or first run
  • Plan: keep in next distribution, Jan leading enhancment GSoC16
  • TODOs
  • Owner: wyclif
  • Maintainers: wyclif, djazayeri, mseaton
  • Health/Status: stable
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • Those on the call aren't aware of current bugs within module, things are relatively stable
  • KenyaEMR has used this more than others
  • AMPATH also uses calculation for their clinical summaries
  • Plan: keep in next distribution
  • TODOs
  • Burke Mamlin to reach out to KenyaEMR folks about feedback on Calculation module
  • Owner: k.joseph
  • Maintainers: k.joseph, dkayiwa
  • Health/Status: active
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • lots of work being done during GSoC 2015, would suspect that this would result in one or more new releases of the module
  • Plan: keep in next distribution
  • TODOs
  • [Burke (with Kaweesi)] Investigate which implementations are using or considering using Chart Search. If not, what is missing/needed.
  • Owner: darius
  • Maintainers: darius, wyclif
  • Health/Status: stable
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • Continually developed (and supported) so new releases forthcoming
  • Plan: [ add/keep in next distribution | needs work | remove from next distribution ]
  • TODOs
  • releases as per routine schedule
  • Owner: raff
  • Maintainers: raff
  • Health/Status: stable
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • the implementation considered in this module isn't committed to long term, might be superceded by OCL subscription module
  • "Included but not supported"
  • Plan: keep unless OCL Subscription module supercedes the need for it (review for next release)
  • TODOs
  • (responsible person or group) Description of task
  • Owner: darius
  • Maintainers: dkayiwa, darius
  • Health/Status: active
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • Continually developed (and supported) so new releases forthcoming
  • Plan: keep in the next distribution
  • TODO:
  • Owner: raff
  • Maintainers: raff, bwolfe, mogoodrich, Wyclif
  • Health/Status: stable
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • Currently stable, in bugfix mode
  • Plan: keep in the next distribution
  • TODOs
  • Owner: darius
  • Maintainers: raff, darius
  • Health/Status: stable
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • RefApp UI-specific module that presents access to forms (HTML Form Entry, X/Forms), allowing users to specify custom forms.
  • Supported
  • Plan: keep in the next distribution
  • TODOs
  • Owner: mogoodrich
  • Maintainers: darius, mseaton, ball, dthomas, mogoodrich
  • Health/Status: active
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • Supported
  • Plan: keep in the next distribution
  • TODOs
  • Owner: darius
  • Maintainers: mogoodrich, darius
  • Health/Status: stable
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • Platform 1.9.x is EOL as of our next minor release. Is merging necessary? Yes.
  • Plan: keep in the next distribution
  • TODOs
  • Mark Goodrich to help us merge these extensions into HTML Form Entry for a future release (make ticket(s) and/or assign work)
  • (Darius or Mark) Provide guidance on future work/need for this module. Does release of Platform 2.0 (or 1.12.x) depend on getting this work done?
  • Owner: mogoodrich
  • Maintainers: darius, mseaton, mogoodrich
  • Health/Status: stable
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • Supported
  • Plan: keep in the next distribution
  • TODOs
  • Owner: mseaton
  • Maintainers: mseaton, jmiranda, djazayeri, mogoodrich
  • Health/Status: stable
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • Supported since reporting is
  • Plan: [ add/keep in next distribution | needs work | remove from next distribution ]
  • TODOs
  • Owner: mseaton
  • Maintainers: mseaton, djazayeri, darius, mogoodrich
  • Health/Status: stable
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • Supported, there is an IDGEN webservices module that needs to be merged into it (pull request is in process)
  • Plan: keep in the next distribution
  • TODOs
  • Owner: mseaton
  • Maintainers: mseaton, mogoodrich, rowanseymour
  • Health/Status: stable
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • Supported
  • Plan: keep in the next distribution
  • TODOs
  • Owner: raff
  • Maintainers: raff
  • Health/Status: stable
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • Supported
  • Plan: keep in the next distribution
  • TODOs
  • Owner: raff
  • Maintainers: mogoodrich, bryq, raff, djazayeri
  • Health/Status: stable
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • Supported, we should consider focusing on bug fixes Vs adding new features
  • Plan: keep in the next distribution
  • TODOs
  • Owner: dthomas
  • Maintainers: dthomas, mseaton, mogoodrich
  • Health/Status: stable
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • Supported
  • May be broken against Platform 1.11+ and needs to get rewritten
  • Plan: keep or remove in the next distribution
  • TODOs
  • (Burke) Ask on Talk if others than PIH are using. If not, then maybe should become a PIH-owned module. Wyclif says we're still using during patient registration (?if configured somehow). Also, is dthomas still the owner?
  • Owner: mogoodrich
  • Maintainers: mogoodrich
  • Health/Status: stable
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • Provides one key feature to reference application (provider types)... this function needs to be pulled into core which would obviate the need of this module
  • Plan: [ add/keep in next distribution | needs work | remove from next distribution ]
  • TODOs
  • We had design dicussion about this. Not sure if work was done after that design discussion.
  • (Burke) to create a project page for "Provider types (Design Page)"
  • Once provider types are supported, this module can be removed from ref app
  • Owner: darius
  • Maintainers: darius
  • Health/Status: stable
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • "The glue that ties everything together in the RA"
  • Released with each RA release
  • Continually developed (and supported) so new releases forthcoming
  • Plan: keep in the next distribution
  • TODOs
  • Owner: darius
  • Maintainers: raff, dkayiwa, wyclif
  • Health/Status: stable
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • Supported
  • Plan: keep  in the next distribution
  • TODOs
  •  Identify a potential volunteer to improve/care for this
  • Owner: darius
  • Maintainers: darius, dkayiwa
  • Health/Status: stable
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • Supported
  • Plan: keep in the next distribution
  • TODOs
  • Owner: wyclif
  • Maintainers: wyclif
  • Health/Status: active
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • Supported
  • PIH is currently adding features to this module
  • Plan: keep in the next distribution
  • TODOs
  • Wyclif Luyima to contact David DeSimone to check for future functionality / new release
  • "Provides core utilities and services for patient registration." Works paired with Registration App Module.
  • Owner: wyclif
  • Maintainers: wyclif
  • Health/Status: stable
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • Supported, stable and is driven by the needs in the Registration App module
  • Plan: keep in the next distribution
  • TODOs
  • Owner: mseaton
  • Maintainers: darius, bwolfe, mseaton, jmiranda
  • Health/Status: active
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • Supported, several bug fixes done
  • Continually developed (and supported) so new releases forthcoming
  • Plan: keep in next distribution
  • TODOs
  • Owner: darius
  • Maintainers: darius
  • Health/Status: some issues
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • "RESTful Web Services for the reporting module" (Can this be renamed with spaces and such? :-)
  • Someone needs to start actively working on this very soon, but no one is currently.
  • Plan: [ add/keep in next distribution | needs work | remove from next distribution ]
  • TODOs
  • have specific design forum for review of webservices for Reporting
  • (Jamie) Schedule a design forum to discuss REST for Reporting (required: mike, burke; would like: darius, daniel) Scheduled for May 9
  • consider merging this module into reporting, as we are for IDGEN and IDGEN Webservices
  • Owner: mseaton
  • Maintainers: bwolfe, luzhuangwei, mseaton
  • Health/Status: stable
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • Does this need a new owner instead of luzhuangwei? (Zhuangwei Lu)
  • Is this functionality provided natively in Java 7+? Do we still need this module?
  • (Saptarshi) Create a ticket for someone to spike on examining if Xstream is needed in Java 1.7+. If not, then enumerate the tasks needed to remove any dependency on Xstream so we can remove it from the platform.
  • Supported, bug fixes should be addressed
  • Plan: keep in next distribution
  • TODOs
  • Owner: darius
  • Maintainers: darius
  • Health/Status:active
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • Needs more maintainers?
  • Plan: keep in next distribution
  • TODOs
  • (responsible person or group) Description of task
  • Owner: darius
  • Maintainers: mogoodrich, darius
  • Health/Status: stable
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • Continually developed (and supported) so new releases forthcoming
  • "backbone of reference application"
  • Plan: keep in next distribution
  • TODOs
  • Owner: darius
  • Maintainers: mogoodrich, rowanseymour, darius
  • Health/Status: stable
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • We will remove when we have provider management in core
  • Plan: keep in next distribution
  • TODOs
  • We would like to get of this, and this should be done once we get rid of provider management
  • These changes need to be scheduled for next release
  • (Burke/Jamie) Get provider management on the queue for RefApp functionality (would include provider types and ability to retire the old provider management module) - Added to technical roadmap
  • Owner: darius
  • Maintainers: dkayiwa, darius, wyclif, bwolfe, raff, djazayeri
  • Health/Status: active
  • Relevant Notes/Thoughts: (road map, upcoming/recent design discussion, key tickets, etc.)
  • Continually developed (and supported) so new releases forthcoming
  • Plan: keep in next distribution
  • TODOs



  • Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download (available after the meeting)