2017-01-12 Developers Forum
2017-01-12 Developers Forum
- Tanya Khokhar
- Burke Mamlin
Owned by Tanya Khokhar
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- mUzima Update
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- Ada
- Martin
- Savai
- Darius
- Burke
- Bonny
- Piyush
- sthaiya
- April Bell
- Daniel K
- Wyclif
- Sherri Bucher
- Rafal
- Tim N
- Noah
- Milsort
mUzima update
mUzima is an adaptable, open-source, android-based mHealth platform that works well with OpenMRS
Working on version 2.0; apk available for download on dropbox
mUzima downloads forms, templates, concepts, encounter data, etc from OpenMRS
Patient Identification/Registration (includes temporary registration while offline)
Error resolution on the server side
Supports updating demographic data on mobile
preconfigured setup packages on server side
plugins capability (e.g. barcode scanner, biometrics, fingerprints)
quite a bit of effort put into forms, since this is the main focus
- font size, saving drafts, validation to avoid duplicates
standard security measures
Activities in 2016
- Dropped support for older android APIs (below 19, aka 4.4)
- one-step mobile side installation through prebuilt config
- merged 3 core modules into a single one
- search server for patients even if there's a matching local patient
- Switched from Maven to Gradle
- speed up via lucene
- Updated infrastructure (website, wiki, jira, CI, IRC bot, notes)
- Education/Community growth
- First hackathon
- Implementation Practicum with Moi Univ in Kena
- Graduate Thesis project
- mUzima 2.0 alpha release (end of 2016)
Plan for 2017
- mUzima 2.0 release on google play store
- Documentation
- Multi-language support (Kiswahili, Portuguese, French)
- Expanded Cohorts
- On-demand download pre-configured packages
- Improve performance of downloading data
- Device Management & Security (Pilot and evaluation, logging)
- Teleconsultation (pilot & evaluation)
- Biometrics (open-source SDK, pilot and evaluation)
- Add ability to edit historical observations
- Use delta synchronization (instead of re-downloading everything)
- Framework for group-based options (households, counseling groups, ...)
- Improve infrastructure support
- Dissemination
- ...
- Are data secured on the device?
- Yes
- Are you planning on using Transifex for translation?
- For now we have people helping with translation for the three languages (French, Swahili and Portuguese)
- Are "cohorts" dynamic on the server side?
- No, they are static
- Where is mUzima deployed?
- At AMPATH in Kenya
- Planning on Mozambique
- For "all cohorts" screen, consider a checkmark to indicate which are downloaded instead of a star (stars are typically used to indicate favorites)
- How are the ID numbers assigned--are they manually entered at some point, or does the app automatically assign the client ID numbers as cohort information is added?
- Depends with the implementation. For AMPATH, the IDs are entered manually (or scanned with bar code)
- Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download (available after the meeting)