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- Data Integrity Module (Stephen Senkomago Musoke)
- Created to find gaps in your data
- Provides a mechanism to define rules to find inconsistent data
- Rules can be defined in Java and Groovy
- Rules can be run one at a time or all at once
- Groovy rules were introduced to give flexibility for different implementations to add custom rules
1. No simple examples (or hard to find) of how to add UI to a module, e.g. how to display a table populated via REST.
- Building a library over time
- We could demonstrate javascript client
2. No clear way to install metadata with the module.
- There have been several approaches to this. The "best practice" at the moment is to use metadata-deploy.
- We (OpenMRS Community) would benefit greatly from creating a standard approach to packaging metadata (also behavior and other content). In fact, I (Burke) recently submitted a grant proposal to try to get funding for this specific aim.
3. How to expose REST endpoints for the module?
1. In what form is a data integrity report available? Excel, csv, page? It's a page.
2. Can the rules be added through UI? No, they have to be added in code.
3. Is it going to be used in Uganda? Yes, that's the plan.

- Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download (available after the meeting)