2016-10-20 Developers Forum

2016-10-20 Developers Forum

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  • Data Integrity Module (Stephen Senkomago Musoke)
  • Wyclif
  • Rafal
  • Willa
  • Daniel K
  • Stephen Musoke
  • Burke
  • Deepak
  1. Created to find gaps in your data
  1. Provides a mechanism to define rules to find inconsistent data
  1. Rules can be defined in Java and Groovy
  1. Rules can be run one at a time or all at once
  1. Groovy rules were introduced to give flexibility for different implementations to add custom rules
1. No simple examples (or hard to find) of how to add UI to a module, e.g. how to display a table populated via REST.
  • Building a library over time
  • We could demonstrate javascript client
2. No clear way to install metadata with the module.
  • There have been several approaches to this. The "best practice" at the moment is to use metadata-deploy.
  • We (OpenMRS Community) would benefit greatly from creating a standard approach to packaging metadata (also behavior and other content). In fact, I (Burke) recently submitted a grant proposal to try to get funding for this specific aim.
3. How to expose REST endpoints for the module?
1. In what form is a data integrity report available? Excel, csv, page? It's a page.
2. Can the rules be added through UI? No, they have to be added in code.
3. Is it going to be used in Uganda? Yes, that's the plan.
4. https://openmrs.atlassian.net/wiki/display/docs/Data+Integrity+Module is it the module's page? Nope, currently, there's no wiki for the module.



  • Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download (available after the meeting)



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