2016-12-19 Project Management Meeting

2016-12-19 Project Management Meeting


Dec 19, 2016


  • @Jamie Thomas

  • @Burke Mamlin

  • @Darius Jazayeri

  • @Daniel Kayiwa

  • @Theresa Cullen

Discussion items







Platform 2.0.2 Release

@Bharat Akkinepalli

Ref App 2.6

@Sri Maurya Kummamuru

@Stephen Senkomago Musoke

  • Identifying a release manager - reach out to Stephen?

  • Stephen and @Sri Maurya Kummamuru should probably have a discussion about identifying a release manager when he comes back from India. between the two of them should be making sure that this release happens in March

  • To hit March release may need to be paired with a technical mentor

  • Would be good for Stephen to host a kick off  meeting for this new effort and to intentional invite JJ Dick (AMPATH EMR) so they can collaborate with us

PM Ongoing Projects


Other PM Meeting (Thursdays)


  • Happening on Thursday's - 5:30 PM ET

  • Attendees: Chis Powers, David Desimone, Cathryn Coy, Jeff Neiman, and a new PM volunteer named Tom Healy

  • Goal: further develop the SOP for project managers to lead projects as well as new volunteers to get involved as PMs

  • Formed to discuss high-level PM strategies because the feeling was Monday calls became too technical and too specific to single projects

PM Goals from OMR16


  • Terry is planning to look at notes for action items to share out on Talk

Action items

@Darius Jazayeri to follow up on date for Platform 2.0.2 release
@Burke Mamlin send email to @Stephen Senkomago Musoke and @Sri Maurya Kummamuru to talk about release of Ref App 2.6, January conversation
@Theresa Cullen reach out to JJ to set up a call to talk about partnership with AMPATH EMR
@Theresa Cullen and a small group to have a call to see what his leadership on the Ref App looks like and how we can help him to be successful
@Theresa Cullen and @Darius Jazayeri will put together a communication ask for ongoing projects
@Theresa Cullen will ask Chris and Jeff to report back on what the other PM group is doing/milestones (by EOY)