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Last week: talked about Transactional REST; no action items to follow up on.
Features for Refapp 2.6
- Original idea: 3 big features, 4 small ones
- But...time! so instead: 2 big features, 5 small ones
- (Big) Responsive UI (using Bootstrap or similar)
- (Big) New/Improved Sections/Components for patient dashboard
- Build some new Sections/Components (e.g. "most recent obs by concept", or graphs)
- Improved dev and implementer experience for building/configuring these
- (Small) Visitless encounters
- (Small) Ability to run reports from the patient dashboard
- (Small) Editing of encounter forms
- (Small) Pre-defined reports for Reference Application
- (Small) Bring in the Sticky Note feature (Mekom)
TODO: Maurya will send 2.6 release manager reminder to Talk Dev category (linking to original talk post), stating we'll be selecting a release manager in the next few days
Patient Matching
- Some usage/plans with AMPATH
- Did some bug fixes and planning in 2016 (To make it run on 1.11.6)
- Planned GSoC 2017 project
- Incremental patient matching
- Improving manual review process (avoid presenting previously reviewed/decided matches)
- A Bahmni implementation evaluated it, but "it didn't perform well and had quite a few bugs. We only use patient merging from openmrs legacy UI."
- Would like to have some "out of the box" functionality to do basic patient matching
- Name (soundex), gender, date of birth (exact match for non-estimated & month-match for estimated), ±person attributes
- i.e. you install the module, you get something minimally useful without having to do any config
- Making a RESTful API to perform basic functions (eventually all functions)
- Consider option to stop matching early if there are hundreds of matches or filtering out unusually high matching groups
- Identify another product owner (e.g. for successful GSoC project)
- Mozambique interested (Willa)
- Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download (available after the meeting)