John's Hopkins Hands-on Workshop

John's Hopkins Hands-on Workshop

Hands on workshop on getting started with OpenMRS for non-programmers

Neha and Emily held a hands-on workshop at John's Hopkins on the 20th and 27th of October 2016, which was announced to Talk here.

They recorded the intro session. The recording can be accessed here.

They were using a modified version of a ppt that was made at the OpenMRS summit which can be found here.

They also made a 'for dummies' version of the install instructions (some steps on the Wiki post assume a certain level of CS competence and not all attendees at their workshop had a programming background), which can be found here.

Outline of the workshop syllabus: 

OpenMRS is a widely used opensource medical record system, this two-day workshop is intended to be a hands-on experience to get introduced to OpenMRS, set up an instance of OpenMRS and customize it. Any one is welcome, some basic background in programming would be useful however it is not required.

Day 1, Oct 20th, 3 - 5 pm:

  1. Intro to OpenMRS, its tech stack and its data model
  2. System installation (if anyone had any problems)
  3. Creation of user/provider types (eg: doctor, nurse, community health worker), managing privileges
  4. Concepts: What are they and how to make concepts
  5. Creating a form using the HTML forms module 
    Do it yourself: Create your own form

Day 2, Oct 27th, 3 - 5 pm:

  1. What is a module in OpenMRS? Installing modules - how to 
  2. Getting started with creating your own module ["hello world"]
  3. Further resources and how to get plugged into the OpenMRS community - Talk, Wiki, IRC.
    Do it yourself: Creating a module which includes Dashboard extension, a fragment and a page

Installation instructions to set up the standalone of OpenMRS 2.0 were sent out in advance to the participants. In order to get the most out of the workshop, participants were expected to come in with their system set up.

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