2017-04-17 Project Management Meeting
2017-04-17 Project Management Meeting
Apr 17, 2017
@Theresa Cullen
@Daniel Kayiwa
@Wyclif Luyima
@Darius Jazayeri
Discussion items
Item | Who | Notes |
RefApp 2.6 | @Hillary Bagiire & @raff |
Core 2.1.0 | @Darius Jazayeri |
Addons | @Darius Jazayeri |
GSoC |
Andela | @Daniel Kayiwa |
Scrum of Scrums | @Darius Jazayeri |
Action items
@Burke Mamlin to check in with @raff and @Hillary Bagiire on status of RefApp 2.6 release
@Darius Jazayeri to create a FHIR ticket to add support for obs.status & obs.interpretation (community priority)
@Darius Jazayeri to create ITSM ticket to move addons from staging to production (addons.openmrs.org)
@Burke Mamlin to reach out to @Harsha Kumara and @Kaweesi Joseph for update on GSoC
@Daniel Kayiwa to create ITSM ticket requesting a devtest server (provide details asked by SDK when creating a distro)
@Burke Mamlin to define security leadership role for OpenMRS and put out a call for who may be interested
@Daniel Kayiwa to f/u on security issue raised on Talk