2017-05-01 Project Management Meeting


May 1, 2017


  • @Wyclif Luyima

  • @Daniel Kayiwa

  • @Burke Mamlin

  • @Darius Jazayeri


Discussion items







RefApp 2.6

@Hillary Bagiire & @raff

  • Planned release 4 May 2pm UTC

RefApp 2.7

@Stephen Senkomago Musoke

  • Darius mentioned that we would do well to consider current work and leveraging what is already being done



  • Core 2.1 released 27 April 2017

  • Need to clarify how/what we will support. Discussion here.

  • Platform 2.2+ planning needs to happen soon

    • Need a clear vision for the platform (what is within scope)


@Darius Jazayeri

No update. Will try to get live by start of GSoC



GSoC announce accepted students on 4 May at 16:00 UTC


@Daniel Kayiwa

Burke still needs to help set up meeting between Andela & OpenMRS (Darius, Jan, Daniel, Nicholas Ingosi, Andela)

Scrum of Scrums

@Darius Jazayeri

Review Notes from Q1 2017

  • OpenMRS Configuration (Installation Support) +1

    • Bahmni's configuration pattern (easier installation)

    • Mekom's OpenMRS Initializer

  • Simple Distribution for start up (small clinics) +1

  • Consider for RefApp

    • PIH's ED Triage app

    • Registration (PIH Registration Dashboard, RI CBR's interest, ±biometrics)

    • Bahmni's Form Builder

    • Audit Log

    • Drug Ordering (leverage Bahmni's order entry redesign aka Medication Tab)

    • OCL Subscription Module

  • Collaborations & Potential Collaborations

    • PIH & I-TECH EMR iSanté in Haiti have been generating improvements for RefApp

    • Bahmni's audit log may be helpful for CBR need for audit log

    • Biometrics (e.g., fingerprinting) interesting to both I-TECH and RI's CBR work

    • IRD/IHS and PIH collaborating on endTB with Bahmni

    • DHIS2 Integration – missed opportunities?

      • Might help to do some shared business analysis to see what people need from DHIS2 integration (may not be "click the button to automatically send" ... may be ability to review data first).

      • Jembi has their own approach

    • We may benefit from Mozambique's (eSaude's) dispensing model

    • Helping OCL at function well at scale

  • ETL/Reporting

    • PIH working with Pentaho

    • I-TECH working on ETL & DHIS2 integration in Kenya


Action items

@Burke Mamlin to write out vision for the Platform (including FHIR support, are we being more proscriptive with idgen, DHIS2 integration, etc.)