2017-05-18 Leadership Team Call
2017-05-18 Leadership Team Call
- Tanya Khokhar
- Jeff Neiman
Owned by Tanya Khokhar
How to Join
Contact Jamie Thomas for more information on how to join the call.
May 18
- Tech update- Burke- still need people for infrastructure; still in good place with servers
- Bahmni update-Darius
- assembling coalition of groups ; there is a discussion about funding for Bahmni
- talking through governance; OpenMRS as a potential umbrella organization
- Jan- has discussed with community as well as the BoD
- community feedback- minimal on the post about the potential role for OpenMRS and Bahmni
- consider reposting this to TALK with more information ( posting what we send to the BoD)
- we are about to do this; what do you think?
- taking legal responsibility and what that means; need to have a stake in the governance to make sure that the deliverables are done
- can the organization carry out the work
- role of OpenMRS in a governance model; funder receiver and operational organizer --do they have to be the same organization?
- TW isnt looking for someone to have veto power--but the governance model needs to ensure that the operational arm of the organizations can deliver
- Bahmni oranization will be complex and potential funders will need to know that
- someone needs to sign agreements
- is Bahmni envisioned to be a project under OpenMRS- someone in the governing committee could be empowered to sign
- specifically set up a call to discuss governance and operational
- Jan had sent the BoD an email last week to make them aware of the proposal and the potential role for OpenMRS
- will need to make sure that they have enough information to make a decision
- posting one to two pager that wil be developed for the BoD to talk
- put together one pagers around what is Bahmni/ what is the proposal for Bahmni/OpenMRS/ BoD
- how urgent is it to have the legal entitiy in place- no current funding in place so not as urgent right now
- timeline to consider funds for Bahmni during transition period ( end of June is timeline noted by Darius from Carl/Path)
- OMRS17 Locations- Christine/ Jeff
- minimal responses when she asked for people to respond based on a TALK post
- also needs to identify implementers/others who may want to be on the planning committee
- who hosts this--
- open up who will host id
- Talk Post
- few options that have circulated and others need to be identified
- terry will send email to Paul to get hte names of people who may have expressed interest
- redo another Talk Post to see if people are interested ; let them know that we need to make a decision by mid July on where we will have the meeting
- talk explicitly about OpenMRS 17 and who is interested in hosting
- dates of possibilities by mid June
- OpenMRS as a global good (DEADLINE #3 IS MAY 19)
- Tab 3 should be based off of tab 1 - Terry had a budget overview that we could work off of? Can Lorinne take the first stab at filling this out and then we can edit?
- Budget Swag document that informed tab 1 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mnLuPmRW04erMdzQhLGJqM5DMeyVE4Tw-kudWLQRx8o/edit
- Fast Forward- not selected ; will try to follow up with a call week of May 29
- SustainOSS- sent to us from SKoll for possible interpretation
- Jan and Bahmni - represent OpenMRS and Bahmni
- Update on OSCON- will follow up with Wyclif to do this next week
- Parking Lot Items
Parking Lot
- Making money for OpenMRS (Followup) (previous notes: https://notes.openmrs.org/2017-05-04-Leadership-Team-Call)
- need to figure out how to do this
- next steps- develop some business models
- few different models to explore what we could offer
- principle of agreeing to do things that do not hurt any other member of our community
- Budget/Expenses- pending from Theresa P
- OSL Support
- BoD Membership Update- Paul
Recurrent Topics
- Weekly
- Report on Fundraising Efforts - Jeff
- OMRS17 Locations
- Operational Plan Update
- Monthly Items
- Budget/Expenses/ first Thursday
- Partnerships - third Thursday
- Quarterly Update
- Infrastructure Update (Quarterly - Jun, Sep, Dec)
- Diversity Council
- Ongoing Quarterly metric review of specific areas
- who is contributing code
- volunteer contributions