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Platform | @Burke Mamlin | |
Reference Application | @Stephen Senkomago Musoke | |
Addons | @Darius Jazayeri | GSoC project will be live an announced soon, adding an about page will be putting items in JIRA don't need to talk about next week
Internships (GSoC) | @Harsha Kumara & @Kaweesi Joseph | GSoC starts in a week - 30 May Need update from leads to see if there is anything they need there are Telegram chats for students and mentors Harsha and Kaweesi will need to make sure everyone is connected, ready to go and expectations are clear
Andela | @Daniel Kayiwa | had meeting with Darius to prioritize tickets and those are being worked on now have two devs left as they are trying to close up the contract, 5 weeks left to go Dairus and Jan have a meeting on Wednesday to talk about next steps with program manager
pmtool | Â | community dev swim lane is being done on daily basis, no rotation worry about not having someone responsible for swim lane/priority tickets to get people to work on tickets to grow more experienced devs idea could be to create a list of people on Talk that have shown an interest in dev in the last two weeks and running that list could also hold virtual hackathon to work with people on tickets, first Thursday and Friday of the month?
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Other |
| Next weeks PM call is CANCELLED, US holiday. (Next call June 5th) Jamie is back (part-time) from maternity leave and able to take design forum communications back from Jeff