2017-06-12 Project Management Meeting


Jun 12, 2017


  • @Jamie Thomas

  • @Daniel Kayiwa

  • @Wyclif Luyima

  • @Theresa Cullen

  • @Harsha Kumara

Discussion items







Internships (GSoC)

@Harsha Kumara & @Kaweesi Joseph

  • In our 2nd week of GSoC

  • 1st week - students raised questions which have been answered

  • Are all 15 students in contact with their mentors and progressing? 

  • There are weekly reports where the students can raise questions and then Harsha/Kaweesi follow up with students.

  • Want students to record 1-3 minute videos of progress on their projects during evaluation times (28 July and 29 August)


@Daniel Kayiwa

  • What work is left in the current phase of work?

  • 11 tickets left (9 fixes, 2 new features)

  • 1 sprint for each for the 2 groupings of tickets should cover it (2 weeks each)

  • 14 June start sprint on 9 fixes, 21 June start sprint for 2 new features



  • Jamie reached out to Rafal to see if SolDevelo needs anything from us at this time


@Burke Mamlin

  • Jamie reached out to Burke for an update and to see how we can keep the vision for the platform moving forward while he is on Wards

Reference Application

@Stephen Senkomago Musoke

  • Was a topic on last weeks design forum. What is happening? Next steps?



  • This week Rafal is going to put some work into moving module repository to Bitray

  • When Rafal moves module repository then documentation will become outdated so we need to have someone help with this, like a volunteer. - Rafal is to create a Talk post looking for volunteer assistance for this.



  • PM call on July 10 will talk about community priority ticket process and engagement



  • Jamie is back in the office full-time

  • Burke will not be on design calls or PM calls until July 10th - try him on Talk and email

  • What quarterly items people feel should be reviewed over the next month?

    • feel like we need to "troll" Talk to get updates on quarterly items

    • Scrum of scrums held on 12 April - need to get better logistical understanding 

    • Need to figure out how to cross walk updates from scrum of scrums to PM and OMRS Operational Plan.

Action items