2017-06-26 Project Management Meeting


Jun 26, 2017


  • @Jamie Thomas

  • @Darius Jazayeri

  • @Daniel Kayiwa


  • @Burke Mamlin

Discussion items







Internships (GSoC)

@Harsha Kumara & @Kaweesi Joseph

  • 4th week of GSoC

  • Have started reaching out to mentor to do evaluations this week



Scrum of Scrums

@Darius Jazayeri

  • Scrum of Scrums - https://talk.openmrs.org/t/quarterly-ecosystem-scrum-of-scrums/10356

  • We need a better logistical understanding of scrum of scrums

    • once a quarter, last one in April so next in July

    • create another Talk post w/ doodle poll and post notes from last

  • Need to figure out how to cross walk updates from scrum of scrums to PM and OMRS Operational Plan.

    • Talk about this when Terry is on July 17?


@Daniel Kayiwa & @Darius Jazayeri

  • Current phase of work 11 tickets left (9 fixes, 2 new features)

  • Decided to not do any new features and just do the 9 fixes, everything is going well - sprint over on 6/27

  • Update from Andela meeting from last week on the next phase

    • going to send contract soon and begin next phase

    • 16 different people in groups of 4 rotating over six months

    • PM will need to plan out work for developers for Platform and Ref App (rafal, daniel, stephen, wyclif)


@Burke Mamlin

  • The document is here.

  • Burke is trying to work on this over the next few weeks and will post a conversation to Talk

Reference Application

@Stephen Senkomago Musoke



  • PM call on July 10 will talk about community priority ticket process and engagement



  • Volunteers posted to Talk Juliet Wamalwa (Daniel reached out to maybe help with documentation), other volunteers for education and internships

  • Need to have a larger discussion on whether just bringing a list to this group is good enough or how do we build a "mentoring system" like GSoC

    • Daniel has been trying to start a policy for follow up with people who introduce themselves to help guide

  • Need to look at the timing of these calls to make sure they are convenient for everyone (Example: Jan Flowers can not come during the current time)

Action items

@Jamie Thomas will remind Rafal to get volunteer for documentation for the module repository move
@Jamie Thomas will take a look at posting for next scrum of scrum in July