2017-07-10 Project Management Meeting

2017-07-10 Project Management Meeting


Jul 10, 2017


  • @Jamie Thomas

  • @Burke Mamlin

  • @Rafal Korytkowski

  • @Wyclif Luyima

  • @Stephen Senkomago Musoke

  • @Daniel Kayiwa

  • @Darius Jazayeri

Discussion items







Internships (GSoC)

@Harsha Kumara & @Kaweesi Joseph

  • Week 6

  • Not on call ping them to join next week


@Rafal Korytkowski

  • Rafal has finalized modulus to Bintry script https://talk.openmrs.org/t/organizing-modules-on-bintray/9998/22

  • Reached out to Bintray team on bug which doesn't display the latest released version of a module correctly.

  • Rafal needs to set up syncing

  • Rafal will write up wiki page on how to publish modules to Bintray then find a volunteer for other documentation

  • Should add statement on when module will be "end of life"

  • Anything in modulus will be in Bintray as well but some things that are in Bintray will not be in modulus

  • There could be potential bottle necks / issues so Rafal will create wiki page on steps for moving to Bintray and then ask for comments

  • Need to write wiki page on steps / project plan on how to migrate community from Modulus to Bintray


@Daniel Kayiwa

  • 6-month contract, so there will be 4, 8, 12, 12, 8, 4 developers over the six months

  • Started today (July 10). Had a meeting with introductions and asked questions

  • Daniel suggested that the team immerse themselves in setting up the development environment, getting openmrs ids, getting on IRC, etc.

  • Burke suggests the Andela team to create an OWA to provide easy addon  management within the platform (i.e., an OWA that can ship with the platform and – out of the box – provide admin-only web access to manage addons/modules/OWAs within the platform)

  • We had indicated previously that we wanted them to work on regular standard roadmap

  • Daniel's GSoC student working on management of starting and stopping of modules, displaying of system information, managing encounters - https://modules-refapp.openmrs.org/openmrs/owa/SystemAdministration/index.html

  • Daniel will create more ticket for new reference app and platform for the team to work on


@Burke Mamlin

  • The document is here.

  • Burke has made edit to the doc and needs to post to Talk

Reference Application

@Stephen Senkomago Musoke


  • 18 available community priority tickets

  • 25 available curated intro

  • 1 closed this week

  • Need to look at community priority ticket process and engagement in a month



  • Quarterly Scrum of Scrums on July 12th

    • need to post a reminder to Talk w/ summary and time

  • Talk about logistics and cross walk of the Quarterly Scrum of Scrums on July 17th when Terry returns.

  • Need to have a larger discussion on whether just bringing a list to this group is good enough or how do we build a "mentoring system" like GSoC

    • Daniel has been trying to start a policy for follow up with people who introduce themselves to help guide

  • Need to look at the timing of these calls to make sure they are convenient for everyone (Example: Jan Flowers can not come during the current time)

    • Friday's would be okay but Monday's are preferred

    • Doodle poll to Talk - required Terry, Jan, Burke, Darius, Jamie, Wyclif, Daniel, Rafal, Stephen

Action items

@Jamie Thomas will ping Harsha and Kaweesi to see if they can join next week for an update on GSoC
@Rafal Korytkowski write wiki page on how to publish modules to BintrayModule Release (under construction)
@Rafal Korytkowski will find a volunteer for additional documentation
@Rafal Korytkowski write wiki page on steps / project plan on how to migrate community from Modulus to Bintray, Modulus Migration Path
@Daniel Kayiwa will take the lead on creating community priority tickets for platform and ref app for Andela team to work on 
@Stephen Senkomago Musoke will post to http://om.rs/designtime to schedule design time to talk about ref app enhancements
@Jamie Thomas will make sure that we look at the community priority ticket process and engagement in a month
@Jamie Thomas will talk to Jan about timing of PM




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