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Internships (GSoC) | @Harsha Kumara & @Kaweesi Joseph | |
Bintray | @Rafal Korytkowski | Rafal has finalized modulus to Bintry script https://talk.openmrs.org/t/organizing-modules-on-bintray/9998/22 Reached out to Bintray team on bug which doesn't display the latest released version of a module correctly. Rafal needs to set up syncing Rafal will write up wiki page on how to publish modules to Bintray then find a volunteer for other documentation Should add statement on when module will be "end of life" Anything in modulus will be in Bintray as well but some things that are in Bintray will not be in modulus There could be potential bottle necks / issues so Rafal will create wiki page on steps for moving to Bintray and then ask for comments Need to write wiki page on steps / project plan on how to migrate community from Modulus to Bintray
Andela | @Daniel Kayiwa | 6-month contract, so there will be 4, 8, 12, 12, 8, 4 developers over the six months Started today (July 10). Had a meeting with introductions and asked questions Daniel suggested that the team immerse themselves in setting up the development environment, getting openmrs ids, getting on IRC, etc. Burke suggests the Andela team to create an OWA to provide easy addon management within the platform (i.e., an OWA that can ship with the platform and – out of the box – provide admin-only web access to manage addons/modules/OWAs within the platform) We had indicated previously that we wanted them to work on regular standard roadmap Daniel's GSoC student working on management of starting and stopping of modules, displaying of system information, managing encounters - https://modules-refapp.openmrs.org/openmrs/owa/SystemAdministration/index.html Daniel will create more ticket for new reference app and platform for the team to work on
Platform | @Burke Mamlin | |
Reference Application | @Stephen Senkomago Musoke | |
pmtool |
| 18 available community priority tickets 25 available curated intro 1 closed this week Need to look at community priority ticket process and engagement in a month
Other | | Quarterly Scrum of Scrums on July 12th Talk about logistics and cross walk of the Quarterly Scrum of Scrums on July 17th when Terry returns. Need to have a larger discussion on whether just bringing a list to this group is good enough or how do we build a "mentoring system" like GSoC Need to look at the timing of these calls to make sure they are convenient for everyone (Example: Jan Flowers can not come during the current time) Friday's would be okay but Monday's are preferred Doodle poll to Talk - required Terry, Jan, Burke, Darius, Jamie, Wyclif, Daniel, Rafal, Stephen