2017-07-24 Project Management Meeting


Jul 24, 2017


  • @Jamie Thomas

  • @Daniel Kayiwa

  • @Burke Mamlin

  • @Wyclif Luyima

  • @Theresa Cullen

Discussion items







Last weeks action items


2017-07-17 Project Management Meeting

Internships (GSoC)

@Harsha Kumara & @Kaweesi Joseph

  • Week 8

  • July 24 - Mentors and students can begin submitting Phase 2 evaluations

  • July 28 - Phase 2 Evaluation deadline

  • Burke will encourage students to provide mid-term "fair/update" on project over Talk


@raff & @Darius Jazayeri

  • Rafal has written down the migration path from Modulus to Bintray/Addons at Modulus Migration Path. 

  • Would like feedback on anything missing

  • Please also review the new Module Release page. - please look at this week

  • Need to Ask Rafal what deadline have been set


@Daniel Kayiwa

  • progressing well

  • demo date will be announced by tomorrow morning - then put on OMRS events calendar


@Burke Mamlin

  • The document is here.

  • Posting to Talk today and then will schedule a call in the near future

Reference Application

@Stephen Senkomago Musoke

  • @Stephen Senkomago Musoke prepare some documentation for options to migrate Ref App style guide to Boostrap with the hope to leverage Andela devs



  • Will look at community priority ticket process and engagement on 8/7

  • core apps module broken @Mark Goodrich appears to be working on it

  • Run through community priority tickets - design call (need @Daniel Kayiwa @Darius Jazayeri but want more)

    • do they make sense, identify most useful for projects (would like project teams to join)

    • look at tickets labeled community priority goal of tickets are to identify strategic issues for the community and would love any and all input



  • Talk about logistics and cross walk of the Quarterly Scrum of Scrums? (would like to have Terry and Jan on the call)

  • Need to have a larger discussion on whether just bringing a list to this group is good enough or how do we build a "mentoring system" like GSoC

    • Daniel has been trying to start a policy for follow up with people who introduce themselves to help guide

    • have a backlog, reached out and not getting a lot of responses

  • Looking at the timing of these calls to make sure they are convenient for everyone (Example: Jan Flowers can not come during the current time)

    • Thursday 2 or 3 UTC (10 or 11am EDT )

Design Call


Reporting Enhancements

Action items

@Burke Mamlin will encourage students to provide mid-term "fair/update" on project over Talk
@Darius Jazayeri will draft a Talk post for @Stephen Senkomago Musoke to send to get more ideas for work groups like Andela can do
@Stephen Senkomago Musoke prepare some documentation for options to migrate Ref App style guide to Boostrap with the hope to leverage Andela devs
@Theresa Cullen will put together a draft of survey questions for people who introduce themselves @Jamie Thomas will then send to PM group to review
@Jamie Thomas will email about potential new timing of this PM call