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Last weeks action items | | 2017-08-07 Project Management Meeting |
Internships (GSoC) | @Harsha Kumara & @Kaweesi Joseph | August 21st is the final week Google sent instructions to mentors - would be good to send reminder Plans for celebration for the end of GSoC - group viewing party?
Bintray | @Rafal Korytkowski & @Darius Jazayeri | |
Andela | @Daniel Kayiwa | started next sprint drug order search also working on building up management encounters sprint OWA management sprint will need to be a priority for release
Platform | @Burke Mamlin | |
Reference Application | @Stephen Senkomago Musoke | following up with @Sri Maurya Kummamuru on finding a release manager also putting together next steps for ref app as a talk post and then calling out members of this group next two weeks Stephen in San Francisco
Update on new community/volunteer mentoring | @Daniel Kayiwa | |
pmtool | | |
Scrum of Scrum Crosswalk | @Theresa Cullen | |
Other | | PM meeting time - @Jamie Thomas still trying to work with @Jan Flowers to come up with some suggested new call times Next week look at Project Management Activities Need to schedule on Radar design call