2017-09-11 Project Management Meeting


Sep 11, 2017


  • @Jamie Thomas

  • @Burke Mamlin

  • @raff

  • @Theresa Cullen

  • @Daniel Kayiwa

  • @Darius Jazayeri

  • @Stephen Senkomago Musoke

  • @Wyclif Luyima

Discussion items







Last weeks action items


2017-08-28 Project Management Meeting

Internships (GSoC)

@Harsha Kumara & @Kaweesi Joseph


@raff & @Darius Jazayeri

  • describing integration and instructor for developers to upload Bintray - still making some updates to this documentation

  • Rafal planning to finish up integration this week

  • Cynthia fixed some CI builds that were failing using old maven repo


@raff &  @Darius Jazayeri 


@Daniel Kayiwa

  • have three groups of devs

  • first group has 3 weeks left and working on Add On Manager - manage open web apps demo end of this week

  • second group started new sprint managing observations and encounters

  • third group joined last week started on IDGEN module

  • Daniel has been determining priorities from items on this call and private messages with people from this call

  • Darius, Daniel and Jan to talk with Andela this week


@Burke Mamlin

  • Not committing on Ref App running on new version of Platform since there is no dependency

  • Need to get working on the Platform release

  • Do we need explicit developer time to work on the Platform to move it forward faster? Yes we need someone focused on this.

  • Burke to post on Talk around work

Reference Application

@Stephen Senkomago Musoke

  • Stephen will be working with Daniel to rally support for UI this week

  • Update from 8/28

    • only two of the 4 large features are in flight the rest have not moved. 

    • Plan is to spend the next 2 weeks rallying up some support to get the work done, or drop the features

    • Target Release Date: October 2017 


      Large Features 

      1. Improved Reporting Support - discussions started https://openmrs.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RES/2017-07-24+Design+Forum but no major progress 

      * Allow people to build reports without having to program (less confusing access to reporting)

      * New Cohort builder 

      * Refactor Configuration to be externalized (e.g. using Initializer module)

      2. Use newer version of Platform - in progress from https://openmrs.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RES/2017-08-07+Design+Forum

      3. OCL Subscription Module

      4. UI Improvements/Refactoring

      5. UI Bootstrap support for pages, widgets and OWAs - Stephen to draft a concept for approach to implementing this (currently 4 weeks late) 

      * Responsive layout for multiple screen sizes

      6. Condition Lists

      Small Features

      1. App Framework fixes to ease the process of creating and managing widgets - Stephen had a discussion with Darius, to think about end-state leveraging Bahmni & work currently being done by PIH like here https://talk.openmrs.org/t/progam-specific-dashboards-documentation/12960

      2. Viewing widget JSON configuration

      3. Improving clarity and usage of extension points, apps, widgets for configuration

      4. Improve non-code configuration - leveraging the workings of the initializer module

Update on new community/volunteer mentoring

@Theresa Cullen & @Daniel Kayiwa

  • posted to Talk



  • Burke learning to deploy on JetStream for the pmt.

  • two broken builds

Scrum of Scrum Crosswalk

@Theresa Cullen & @Darius Jazayeri

Project Management Activities


  • Review activities next week

Design Forum: Update Technology Radar


2017-09-11 Design Forum


Action items

@Kaweesi Joseph and @Harsha Kumara to post GSoC blog post
@Kaweesi Joseph and @Harsha Kumara schedule viewing party for GSoC
@raff will follow up with SolDevelo on next steps for Sync 2.0 from the Talk post
@Burke Mamlin to start a conversation on Talk around organizing work for Platform - design call next week to follow up with next steps/organization
@Stephen Senkomago Musoke will follow up with @Sri Maurya Kummamuru on assigning release manager 
@Burke Mamlin learning to deploy on JetStream for the pmtool
@Theresa Cullen and @Darius Jazayeri to walk through framing before the October 11 scrum of scrum
@Jamie Thomas to send reminder and doodle poll for Scrum of Scrum (send Sept 29)