2014-11-10 Project Management Meeting


Nov 10, 2014


  • @Jamie Thomas

  • @Michael Downey

  • @Darius Jazayeri

  • @Wyclif Luyima

  • @Daniel Kayiwa


  • Release 1.1 by next week

  • Queue up major design needs for 2.2

  • Get @raff on these calls 

Discussion items







Allergy Release 1

@Shasha Liu / @Daniel Kayiwa

OCL-CIEL subscription module


  • need to get @raff

Platform 1.11


  • release in a week or so

OpenMRS 2.2


  • Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

  • strategically need to queue up major design needs - talk about on Wednesday's design call

  • schedule out design call time for technical roadmap topics

  • assign some leads to be in charge of each technical topic

  • Condition list - on Monday's call?

  • Basic Order Entry for meds and tests was talked about on today's design call and can be moved forward

  • migration strategy will be designed later as it will be effected by others

  • PIH BA (Dave) time on registration for functional requirements for OpenMRS 2.2 to create out of the box

  • empower implemenations to add their features

Action items

@raff needs to send update announcement out to the community
Schedule out design call time for technical roadmap topics
@Jamie Thomas@Burke Mamlin will work on getting emails out to implemenations to get items under 2.2 on design calls
@Darius Jazayeri@Burke Mamlin need to schedule PIH and Bahmni call (possibly every other week)