2014-12-15 Project Management Meeting
2014-12-15 Project Management Meeting
Dec 15, 2014
@Jamie Thomas
@Wyclif Luyima
@Daniel Kayiwa
@Shasha Liu
@Burke Mamlin
@Michael Downey
@Darius Jazayeri
Discussion items
Item | Who | Notes |
Allergy 2.1.1 | @Daniel Kayiwa |
2.2 |
Action items
@Jamie Thomas will verify that the Bahmni Team has their own tool for tracking the condition list work and will not be using the OpenMRS board.
@Burke Mamlin & @Jamie Thomas to take a look at the condiditon list board and how to prioritize it.
@Burke Mamlin will research the specifics around the need for basic order entry feature for 2.2
@Jamie Thomas will reach out to David DeSimone to find out what the plans are for registration sprint. PIH or community sprint?
@Jamie Thomas to email @Vivek Singh to see if someone from his team call present appointment scheduling on January dev forum