2010-04-29 Developers Conference Call

2010-04-29 Developers Conference Call


29 April 2010

In Attendance



Ticket priorities

  • Burke described the current ticket priorities in use.

  • We should try to differentiate between complexity and severity/urgency.

  • We will go with what's listed on the wiki page and iterate based on feedback, and revisit this topic in future weeks.

Use of Checkstyle to enforce coding style

  • Burke suggested several things that Checkstyle could be used to look for when people are checking in code.

Messaging Module project update

  • Updates will be 2 weeks moving forward to match their 2-week release cycle.

  • InSTEDD is contributing more developers to the project, and other volunteers in the community have stepped forward.

  • The team is evaluating short codes and microsyntax, e.g. OMHE.

  • Alpha release should be within a month. The team is looking for implementations interested in testing the module.

  • In the next cycle: UI refinements, messaging platforms will be implemented, API will be fully in place.

Targets for 1.7 and 1.8

  • Sy sent out an e-mail yesterday about unassigned tickets. Thanks to volunteers – but more are needed!

  • We need to end conversations about new features for 1.7.

  • Several of the minor tickets were picked up to be included in 1.7. The ones that aren't assigned need a volunteer, or they will be deferred.

    • GSoC students are encouraged to take an unassigned ticket for 1.7 to work on before GSoC begins.

    • Anything without an owner during next Thursday's meeting will be pushed out of 1.7.

  • Projected date (very subject to change) for alpha release: July 1
