9-feb-2010 after action review notes
What did you expect to happen today?
Nothing specific
Know more than I did this morning about hibernate and spring and annotations and controllers
Make a page ourselves. Actually do it.
What actually happened?
Learned more than I knew this morning about ...
Made a page. Actually did it.
Saw how to link to a page with an extension point
learned about JSPs (filled in some gaps)
learned a bit about the background of spring?
What should we do differently?
Show us the patterns (e.g. overview of how we have 4 classes set up to do data access)
More time in the examples. Slow down the code pace, and don't bounce between files so quickly.
Having all the code in svn ahead of time could be nice
Either slow down so people can type along. Or have everything there already so we clearly don't expect typing.
Stay better oriented. More roadmaps of where we're going. (There's lots of jumping between files.)
Publicize the group skype chat so everyone can be in it.