9-feb-2010 after action review notes

9-feb-2010 after action review notes

What did you expect to happen today?

  • Nothing specific

  • Know more than I did this morning about hibernate and spring and annotations and controllers

  • Make a page ourselves. Actually do it.

What actually happened?

  • Learned more than I knew this morning about ...

  • Made a page. Actually did it.

  • Saw how to link to a page with an extension point

  • learned about JSPs (filled in some gaps)

  • learned a bit about the background of spring?

  • examples

What should we do differently?

  • Show us the patterns (e.g. overview of how we have 4 classes set up to do data access)

  • More time in the examples. Slow down the code pace, and don't bounce between files so quickly.

  • Having all the code in svn ahead of time could be nice

  • Either slow down so people can type along. Or have everything there already so we clearly don't expect typing.

  • Stay better oriented. More roadmaps of where we're going. (There's lots of jumping between files.)

  • Publicize the group skype chat so everyone can be in it.