2010-07-15 Developers Conference Call


15 July 2010

In Attendance


  • Quickly review previous meeting minutes (5 min)

  • Should we release a 1.5.3 and 1.6.2? -Ben (5 min)

  • Should we close out the 1.4.x and 1.5.x lines? -Ben (5 min)

  • 1.7 release update (15 min)

    • Timing for beta release

    • Plan(s) for testing beta

    • Timing of final release

  • 1.8 release update (1 hour)

  • Discuss JIRA workflow (25 min)

  • After-action review & next week's agenda (5 min)


Release 1.5.3 and 1.6.2?

End of Life Discussions

  • Michael pointed out how we've never formally called an EOL to versions of OpenMRS

  • What does it mean to be EOL?

    • No longer supported by core developers

    • No longer patched

    • Directory moved to endoflife

  • Came to basic consensus on supporting three versions of OpenMRS at any one point as a basic rule


  • create EOL folder

  • create wiki page that describes what it means to be EOL

  • add EOL workflow process to release process page

  • announce 1.4 EOL in next week, with date: 1-2 weeks following 1.7 release

  • announce 1.5 EOL around time of 1.8 alpha release

1.7 release update

  • 1.7 Beta will be released tonight, July 15th. All open bugs are set to be reviewed and committed today.

  • beta testing:

    • We need a production implementation to test the beta before the release.

    • TODO: Sy will twist some arms of implementations

  • We should still do an RC because more people will probably test with that.

    • TODO RC release date of Aug 5th.

  • Timing of a final release is set for August 19th.

1.8 release update

  • 10-ten list was gone through and ranked as fixable or not, and possible priority.

    • TODO: Wyclif will create and/or assign tickets

  • Hackathon: everyone is welcome to join in person or remotely.

    • Mike is better for 23/24 of Aug. Ben/Jeremy can't do 25/26th potentially.

    • TODO: Ben to figure out what his flight plans are.

    • TODO: Darius to write to developer's list to ask.

JIRA Workflow

  • punted until next week. Email the developer's list with any issues you have with jira
