2010-07-15 Developers Conference Call
15 July 2010
In Attendance
Mike Seaton
Roger Friedman
Peter Kirwa
Ada Yeung
Hamish Fraser
Zabil CM
Harsha Halgaswatta
Nareesa Rajput
<!--Cristian Chircu
Saptarshi Purkayastha
Firzhan Naqash
Frank Fries
Shaun Grannis
Will Biondich
Pratik Mandrekar
Andy Kanter
Michael Kopinsky
Heather LaGarde
Simon Peter Muwanga
Aliya Walji
Judy Wawira
Quickly review previous meeting minutes (5 min)
Should we release a 1.5.3 and 1.6.2? -Ben (5 min)
Should we close out the 1.4.x and 1.5.x lines? -Ben (5 min)
1.7 release update (15 min)
Timing for beta release
Plan(s) for testing beta
Timing of final release
1.8 release update (1 hour)
Plan for anonymized data set (status of AMPATH masking, plans for adding dummy data)
Plan for 1.8 Hack-a-thon August 19-20
Discuss JIRA workflow (25 min)
After-action review & next week's agenda (5 min)
Release 1.5.3 and 1.6.2?
Changes in 1.5.x since 1.5.2: http://source.openmrs.org/changelog/~br=1.5.x,endDate=2010-02-03T23%3A59%3A59/OpenMRS/branches/1.5.x
Changes in 1.6.x since 1.6.1: http://source.openmrs.org/changelog/~br=1.6.x,endDate=2010-04-01T23%3A59%3A59/OpenMRS/branches/1.6.x
End of Life Discussions
Michael pointed out how we've never formally called an EOL to versions of OpenMRS
What does it mean to be EOL?
No longer supported by core developers
No longer patched
Directory moved to endoflife
Came to basic consensus on supporting three versions of OpenMRS at any one point as a basic rule
create EOL folder
create wiki page that describes what it means to be EOL
add EOL workflow process to release process page
announce 1.4 EOL in next week, with date: 1-2 weeks following 1.7 release
announce 1.5 EOL around time of 1.8 alpha release
1.7 release update
1.7 Beta will be released tonight, July 15th. All open bugs are set to be reviewed and committed today.
beta testing:
We need a production implementation to test the beta before the release.
TODO: Sy will twist some arms of implementations
We should still do an RC because more people will probably test with that.
TODO RC release date of Aug 5th.
Timing of a final release is set for August 19th.
1.8 release update
10-ten list was gone through and ranked as fixable or not, and possible priority.
TODO: Wyclif will create and/or assign tickets
Hackathon: everyone is welcome to join in person or remotely.
Mike is better for 23/24 of Aug. Ben/Jeremy can't do 25/26th potentially.
TODO: Ben to figure out what his flight plans are.
TODO: Darius to write to developer's list to ask.
JIRA Workflow
punted until next week. Email the developer's list with any issues you have with jira
Backchannel IRC transcript
Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download