Feb 11 2010 after action review notes

What did we expect today?

  • Learn about AOP and how it applies to OpenMRS

  • More pictures

  • More turkey

  • Get to know how to be a developer and be involved in the community

  • Learning about trac, patches, debugging

What did we do today?

  • AOP, done well. But some people missed it (physically, not mentally).

  • Vibha raised threading issues, and discussion about event bus

  • Heard about others' experiences with the system in the real world

  • Spicy buffalo chicken instead

  • Pictures. Great ones.

  • Intro to how the community works (Burke and Darius talk to each other via microphone)

  • Started with a good summary of yesterday's workshop

What should we do differently?

  • Workshops earlier (when more brain cells live)

  • More SVN commits during demos

What else should we do?

  • (Keep doing summaries)

  • 9-10:??: keep doing the homework

  • 10:??-lunch: walk through a solution slowly

    • Ben or Darius has to do the homework, and comment it well.