2010-12-16 Developers Conference Call
16 December 2010
In Attendance
@Burke Mamlin
@Darius Jazayeri
@Nyoman Ribeka
@Jeremy Keiper
@Former user (Deleted)
@Dawn Seymour
@Wyclif Luyima
@Paul Biondich
@Ben Wolfe
@Roger Friedman
@Stephen Lorenz
Shaun Grannis
Quickly review previous meeting minutes (5 min)
Messaging Module Email Demonstration (15 minutes)
1.8 alpha update
Performance numbers
1.9 brainstorming
After-action review & next week's agenda (5 min)
Real-time notes: http://notes.openmrs.org/devcall20101216
Messaging Module Demonstration
Has only been used for sending SMS so far
Jeremy/AMPATH had a need to send emails
Jeremy is showing a demonstration on http://connect.openmrs.org
Showing how to add an 'email' gateway
Showing how to send an email using that new gateway
Email is a new feature build into the messaging module
There is a MessageService built into openmrs that can be set up by implementers. The messaging module can use that if you want
If you need a more complicated sending service, the module gives you those options. PWs for that can stored in two-way hash for more security
TODO: Put two-way hash method into core
The messaging module uses a queue to check for sending/receiving emails. Default is 5 second interval
Please be patient. Jeremy has to fix a bug. We will return to our standard programming momentarily
Jeremy still hasn't fixed it. $#*&$# Java cipher.
Ok, Jeremy has found and fixed the bug! Emails and conversations via the MM aplenty!
1.8 alpha update
Congratulations to Wyclif!http://go.openmrs.org/performance
The email announcement was sent at 3:30am...
There are still some open 1.8 tickets to be done before the beta
Wyclif asks people to do some testing and report bugs
The email announcement was missing a link to the 1.8 performance page
TODO: Wyclif to send out an adendum email
TODO: Someone needs to validate the new search widgets WITHIN Infopath
The location search widget is 300ms slower.
TODO: The location search needs to be optimized for a single result
Darius says: We could optimize to only do the count call for the second query
Wyclif says: The Find Provider search is not slower and is very similar, so the Find Location must have something different on it.
Darius says: It could be something with location.tags. This test needs to be profiled
TODO: Profile the Find Location test. Post the snapshot to the ticket and Darius will drool all over it.
TODO: Wyclif to bring this to the dev list
TODO: Wyclif: Autocomplete dropdowns need to be cleared. (New ticket needed or comment on current)
Paul proposed a 1.8 beta by the new year.
Wyclif went through the release process testing script
TODO: The release process script needs to be updated
TODO: Figure out how to do the automated maven way of releasing/branching
Wyclif proposes Thurs Jan 6th as the 1.8 Beta release date
TODO: make it easier for people to test. A new option in the installation wizard?
TODO: Fix the windows installer for 1.8 beta
1.9 Brainstorming
Paul says: There are a lot of new features there, can we do them all?
Shaun says: We're waiting for feedback from implementers who have tested
Burke wants to know the theme for 1.9
Paul proposes: web services, order entry, de-duplication
Burke prefers: web services and hospital systems
Burke wants a better theme
Ben says: 1.7 needed a headliner feature, not a theme.
Roger: Impls can't update as often as we're releasing. So they'll skip releases.
Paul concludes: It doesn't hurt to have a theme, but things don't need to be split out of 1.9 if it doesn't squeeze into the theme
Releases should be done every 4 months or so
TRUNK-1412: Not a huge amount of work.
TRUNK-406: Jeremy has been working on the data integrity module
Data integrity and/or patient flags should be bundled modules
TODO: Update ticket to say "we need good data quality tools bundled and with similar workflow"
TODO: Move this to a design review state and/or future dev call agenda
TRUNK-423: Shaun says it will be ready for integration
TRUNK-39: Theres some code behind this already.
TODO: Needs to be on a future dev call agenda
TRUNK-48: TODO: Needs to be on a future dev call agenda
Roger wants Episode of Care done soon too
TODO: Burke needs to share the order entry design + work that RG has been doing
TRUNK-334: The current webserivces module needs to be modified and/or rewritten
The mobile groups were asked to provide a doc on "how would you like ot interact with openmrs"
Burke suggests we provide them with a potential spec and have them respond instead of waiting and waiting for them to do the first step
Paul worries about this one the most
Ben was (re)voted in as the owner of web services
TODO: Make some milestones and/or working group and/or regular call for this
Roger notices: We only have the usual gang of idiots on this call anymore. Why?
Paul replies: We are not doing a good job of advertising the call anymore. (shakes fist at Downey)
Roger suggests: Lets lay out the meeting minutes ahead of time