2015-02-05 Leadership Call
2015-02-05 Leadership Call
- Former user (Deleted)
- Jamie Thomas
- Burke Mamlin
Owned by Former user (Deleted)
How To Join
Contact Jamie Thomas for more information on how to join the call.
- #MOZ15 Review
Meeting Minute
- Jamie Thomas
- Paul Biondich
- Pascal Brandt
- Bill Lober
- Michael Downey
- Suranga Kathurirathne
- Andy Kanter
- Hamish Fraser
- Burke Mamlin
- Chris Seebregts
- Apologies: Jan Flowers, Darius Jazayeri
- #MOZ15 Review (takeaways, content, action items)
- Paul - While there was a bit of rush for planning the meeting right up until the start time it felt like a success.
- Burke - General themes for group discussions but deliverables were not always clear.
- Burke - Holding the conference in an academic setting allowed for good internet, however it felt as though we were using the space instead of a cultural event.
- Michael - Saptarshi is working with the university/host (UEM) on certification and training programs.
- Burke - formally introduced developer stages that we discussed during #OpenMRScamp (/dev/null - /dev/5 - stages)
- Burke - saw more involvement toward OpenMRS as a framework
- Paul - Partnership conversations: Bahmni/TW, SatMed, IRD
- OpenMRS foundation for the work these groups are doing.
- What it would mean to be more engaged with them? ie. IRD wants devs to get to /dev/5
- SatMed hired Java engineers to help train Bangladeshian engineers for an implementation
- Paul - Pent up demand by community members wondering how to "get more involved" - lack of understanding that it starts with small steps
- Paul - felt the conference helped to bring together people and groups to work together
- Bill - can see us going down a path where we are looking at how to identify skills of different implementers groups.
- Bill - partnership seemed to be shifting from PIH & Regenstrief to more of commercial sustainability and other different models
- Burke - need to be continually revisiting our vision for OMRS - including technically
- Andy- exposing more of OpenMRS as components as part of a framework puts more pressure on us to package experience and best practices in smaller objects that can be easily incorporated into the applications created using the framework. Minimum data sets, core concepts, information model, etc. need to be transparent and consumable through the various methods of accessing the OpenMRS framework.
- Michael - people seemed to be unsure how they could create change through leadership - setting community roles is one way in which we can help to show people how to create change
- Pascal - thought the conference was good but would like to see regional groups creating more of the agenda topics
- Michael - the conference made people feel more involved in the overall community outside of just their own region
- Burke - would like to see tools like Lanyard used by attendees more, especially to plan the next day so people can go online to see things
- Michael - need to be able to support attendees who are not using technology as well
- Ebola Update - Hamish
- OpenMRS Ebola Development Environment - https://openmrs.atlassian.net/wiki/display/projects/OpenMRS+Ebola+Development+Environment
- Paul - Is this specific to emergency care distribution or very specifc to Ebola?
- Hamish is looking to get funding for generalization
- TODO - Hamish will send out a link for people to play with the Ebola system
Next week
- community roles
- dev stages?