2005-12-15 Developers Conference Call

<html><head><title></title></head><body>Attending: Hamish, Paul, Burke, Ben, Vibha, Justin, Darius, Neal

  • Accessing Spring beans — e.g., ''org.openmrs.api.context.Context.getBean(String beanName)'

  • Thread-safety Context generation — e.g., synchronized ContextFactory.createInstance()

  • Discuss Justin's event auditing system

  • To what degree to use the Spring Framework

  • Decision Support

  • Coordinating efforts (best use of resources) — Paul, Hamish, and Burke to discuss


  • Vibha will start the conversation about decision support services with some suggested methods that she would need

  • Hamish, Paul, and Burke will discuss the big picture to coordinate efforts among teams

  • Justin will explore the Spring Framework as a potential framework for transaction handline and event processing. Did somebody say Access Oriented Programming?


