2005-12-15 Developers Conference Call
<html><head><title></title></head><body>Attending: Hamish, Paul, Burke, Ben, Vibha, Justin, Darius, Neal
Accessing Spring beans — e.g., ''org.openmrs.api.context.Context.getBean(String beanName)'
Thread-safety Context generation — e.g., synchronized ContextFactory.createInstance()
Discuss Justin's event auditing system
To what degree to use the Spring Framework
Decision Support
Coordinating efforts (best use of resources) — Paul, Hamish, and Burke to discuss
Vibha will start the conversation about decision support services with some suggested methods that she would need
Hamish, Paul, and Burke will discuss the big picture to coordinate efforts among teams
Justin will explore the Spring Framework as a potential framework for transaction handline and event processing. Did somebody say Access Oriented Programming?