2010-07-15 Leadership Conference Call


15 July 2010

How To Join

Contact Paul Biondich for more information on how to join the call.

In Attendance

  • Chris Bailey

  • Paul Biondich

  • Hamish Fraser

  • Darius Jazayeri

  • Burke Mamlin

  • Chris Seebregts

  • Dawn Smith

  • Ben Wolfe


  • OpenMRS Implementers Meeting (15 minutes)

    • Discuss meeting announcement

  • Sending an OpenMRS developer to a regional training (Ben) (15 minutes)

Meeting Minutes

  • OpenMRS Implementers Meeting

    • Looking for co-sponsors for the event

      • Chris Bailey will try to find some additional funds with permission from the group

    • Participant sponsorship

      • Making sponsorship applications to help cover the costs for participant:

        • Registration fees

        • Travel fees

        • Accommodation costs

        • Or cover all three or a combination of two

  • Sending an OpenMRS Developer to a Regional Training in West Africa

    • Professor Kayode Odusote is requesting someone from OpenMRS come to conference from 20 - 24 September

      • Needs expertise for OpenMRS and discussed training on DHIS2 and iHRIS for IT officers from the Ministries of Health

      • Ben proposed sending someone from PIH in Rwanda to help save on travel fees

    • Dawn is following up to make possible arrangements