2015-01-05 Project Management Meeting


Jan 05, 2015


  • @Jamie Thomas

  • @Burke Mamlin

  • @Daniel Kayiwa

  • @Darius Jazayeri

  • @Michael Downey


  • Still shooting for March release 2.2

Discussion items







OCL subscription module

@raff & @Nicholas Ingosi

  • need to get an update from Rafal and Nicholas

Release Platform 1.11

@Daniel Kayiwa

  • beta version already out

  • need to come up with a plan for a full release

Drug Lookup for Allergy release

@Daniel Kayiwa

  • needed to fix some issues in CIEL dictionary and upgrade scripts

  • RA-297 - Drug Lookup WAITING FOR TEST is blocked on deciding what is needed to allow CIEL to indicate preferred names.

  • need feedback from Andy on what names should be in the upgrade - still need 1.6?

2.2 - Program-based Workflow


  • further discussion would need to happen around program-based workflow to make this happen and so there may need to be further discussion in Maputo if PIH would like to push this forward

2.2 - Condition List


  • join 1/12 design forum for update or ready showcase on Thursday call?

2.2 - Basic Order Entry for meds and tests


  • Jonathan will not be on Wednesday's design call so may talk about order groups

  • PIH Wed for brain dump on priorities for point of care

2.2 - Registration


2.2 - Appointment Scheuling


  • remind Bahmni and iTECH team about demo on thursday

REST Web Service Enhancements


  • check with Emerson to see if there are any current issues

2.2 - Integrating Multiple Servers


  • trying to schedule for when Ryan Crichton comes back from leave

Action items

Jamie reach out to Rafal and Nicolas for an update on OCL subscription module and where we can find updates. Dashboard?
Burke email developers list to start the conversation for coming up with a plan for a full release of 1.11
Burke will email Andy Kanter to decide what is needed to allow CIEL to indicate preferred names so the they are correct when we upgrade, still need to be 1.6?
Jamie email Bahmni team on condition list status
Jamie to schedule upcoming design call forums around features for 2.2 release