2006-06-15 Developers Conference Call

2006-06-15 Developers Conference Call

<html><head><title></title></head><body>* Discuss plans for PIH to visit Indy on June 21-22 (if we haven't already)

  • Discussed handling locations through taskpane within InfoPath

  • Discuss Darius' concerns regarding getNextAvailableId()

    • This is why sequences in oracle and postgres are better than autonumbers in mysql.

    • This isn't thread-safe. I suppose it's unlikely that multiple concepts will be created simultaneously, but still...

    • Why are we going to extra lengths to get unused concept_ids from from the middle of the number space?

  • :

    *: public Integer getNextAvailableId() { *: Session session = HibernateUtil.currentSession(); *: *: String sql = "select min(concept_id+1) as concept_id from concept where (concept_id+1) not in (select concept_id from concept)"; *: *: Query query = session.createSQLQuery(sql); *: *: BigInteger big = (BigInteger)query.uniqueResult(); *: *: return new Integer(big.intValue()); *: }
  • Further discussion on issues with synchronizing disparate instances of OpenMRS — deferred for PIH's visit to Indy on June 21-22

Items for June 21-22

Moved to Technical Workshop 6-21-6-22-2006 Agenda
