2010-11-11 Developers Conference Call


11 November 2010

In Attendance

  • ?@Ada Yeung

  • ?@Former user (Deleted)

  • Andy Kanter

  • ?@Ben Wolfe

  • ?@Darius Jazayeri

  • ?@Glen McCallum

  • ?@Jeremy Keiper

  • ?@Nyoman Ribeka

  • ?@Wyclif Luyima


  • Quickly review previous meeting minutes (5 min)

  • Concept Proposal Module (15 min)

  • Concept Mapping Tool (5 min)

  • After-action review & next week's agenda (5 min)


Previous meeting minute review

  • TODO: Darius to email Burke about getting an RG DBA to look at the query

Concept Proposal

  • AMPATH wants the conceptproposal module for workflow of creating concepts

  • The 2010 gsoc project for conceptproposal did not get to the workflow portion at all

  • MVP/PIH wants to hire a prog in Rwanda to work on conceptproposal

  • TODO: Glen to make tickets for tasks and versions/iterations of the module

  • TODO: Ada to spec out what minimal functionality would be needed by AMPATH

  • Ali mentioned there are issues with concept names that are not exactly the same (but really are) e.g start vs initiate

  • Andy: we increase the number of concept names to help people find concepts

  • Andy: word equivalency: kidney == renal, start == initiation - TRUNK-1537

  • Andy: TSB as a module is "pretty far along".  A release by the end of the year

Concept Mapping Tool

  • (Jonathon Payne added this but isn't here to support it, akanter is going to talk about what he thinks he wanted)

  • http://maternalconceptlab.com has a powerful search tool

  • PIH uses metadatasharing to import/export and needs to be able to import from other systems easily

  • Jonathon is going to be putting effort into modifying the concept map attributes and db schema

  • TODO: Add concept mapping to design call

Sending mail from OpenMRS

  • Not supported out of the box because an external smtp server is needed

  • The MessageService sends email if you have set up the right global properties

  • The MessagingModule could be able to send email

  • Hui Xiao is working on the PHR module and needs the messaging module to support email.



  • Backchannel IRC transcript

  • Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download - available after the meeting