2010-11-04 Developers Conference Call

2010-11-04 Developers Conference Call


4 November 2010

In Attendance

  • ?@Nyoman Ribeka

  • ?@Michael Downey

  • ?@Dawn Seymour 

  • ?@Jeremy Keiper

  • ?@Ben Wolfe

  • ?@Darius Jazayeri

  • ?@Mark Goodrich

  • ?@Burke Mamlin

  • ?@Wyclif Luyima

  • ?@Mike Seaton


  • Quickly review previous meeting minutes (5 min)

  • 1.7 Update (15 minutes)

  • 1.8 Update (30 minutes)

    • Widgets

    • Reporting speedup

    • Data Export speedup?

  • 2.0 Framework preview (20 minutes)

  • After-action review & next week's agenda (5 min)


1.7 – Ben

  • release candidate 2 is in the wild

  • waiting on ampath who are testing

  • The ampath server is faster than Jeremy's laptop

  • on hold until they finish their testing

  • Errors be damned

1.8 – Wyclif

  • wylcif implemented what burke said and it speeds up the widgets, so that's the way it should go, it should be able to work

  • Most pending 1.8 tickets are waiting on finishing up on the widgets

  • Ben is working on JavaScript caching

  • Burke: What are the 4 targets for 1.8?

  1. Searching (concepts, person, encounter, and location)

    1. Iterating on encounter widget: http://notes.openmrs.org/encounter-widget-1-8

    2. http://notes.openmrs.org/encounter-widget-1-8from the point of view of the UI he's put in the fix for how to do that

    3. wyclif will commit new code today and deploy it to the test env

    4. idea is to implement metadata crud service that would standardize method names – Burke thinks it's dead on arrival

    5. Design work ensued

    6. Burke: Major changes to the API are out of scope for 1.8

      getEncounters(String, Integer, Integer, boolean); getCountOfEncounters(String, boolean);
    7. Agreed on convention...

      1. Search by string for object =

        getFoo(String, Integer, Integer, boolean)
      2. Getting count of the search by string =

        getCountOfFoo(String, boolean)
  2. Patient dashboard

    1. http://tickets.openmrs.org/browse/TRUNK-1667 - TODO Darius will take this on and re-profile it with comments then hand it to Wyclif

  3. Data Exports

    1. Avoid calling PatientSetService.getAllPatients()--its performance degrades very badly when you have a huge number of patients. If at all possible, use 'null' to represent all patients rather than enumerating them.

  4. Reporting Framework

    1. darius discovered adding a multicolumn index would help

    2. TODO Ask Regenstrief DBAs about how to optimize the specific SQL query here: http://bit.ly/d360f0 or http://bit.ly/bUlGQo in context

2.0 - Darius

