2010-10-28 Developers Conference Call


28 October 2010

In Attendance

  • ?@Michael Downey

  • Laura Mitchell

  • ?@Paul Biondich

  • ?@Ben Wolfe

  • ?@Burke Mamlin

  • ?@Dawn Seymour

  • ?@Wyclif Luyima

  • ?@Mark Goodrich

  • ?@Stephen Lorenz

  • ?@Darius Jazayeri

  • ?@Glen McCallum

  • ?@Ryan Crichton

  • ?@Mike Seaton

  • ?@Former user (Deleted)

  • Hamish Fraser

  • Mark Kohli

  • @Roger Friedman

  • John Payne

  • ?Pascal Brandt

  • ?@Jeremy Keiper


  • Quickly review previous meeting minutes (5 min)

  • Introductions (10 min)

  • OCC: OpenMRS Concept Cooperative (40 min)

  • ?Google Code-In 2010-2011 (25 min)

  • 1.7 Release update (5 min)

  • 1.8 Update (30 min)

  • After-action review & next week's agenda (5 min)


OpenMRS Concept Cooperative

  • What it is

    • A way to share OpenMRS concepts between users/organizations

    • A technical infrastructure to facilitate this sharing

    • Implementations send their concepts which are then available for "voting" by downloading them. (i.e., The more things are downloaded, the higher their rank in the OCC.)

    • Promotes (in theory and practically on a list) commonly used terminology of concepts

    • Roger: People are looking for a modular way to get shared resources beyond just concepts. Can other stuff be shared too, and if so, how? What are the tactics?

      • John: Maybe start with concepts and then move to other more complex items.

      • ?@Paul Biondich: Original idea of OCC was to share more things beyond concepts, since things like forms are based on concepts.

      • ?@Darius Jazayeri: Reports are more complex than forms, and that may complicate sharing (or at least reduce their usefulness).

      • ?@Burke Mamlin: We won't know what we're doing, and we won't do a great job for a while, but we should still design it and continually refine it based on user input. The largest challenge has been getting OCC to a functional/usable state.

    • TODO: Further conversations probably need to happen on OCC strategy and tactics. ?@Paul Biondich will facilitate those conversations.

    • Technical components

      • Web site to host the shared concept list

      • Module to access that shared data and send your dictionary (except retired concepts) to the OCC servers

      • A unique Implementation ID is used by each installation to identify and make sharing between specific systems possible

  • What it is not

    • It is not meant to be a development for new standards

  • What needs to be done (not necessarily in this particular order)

    1. Get the OCC library up and running

    2. OCC library code will need to be updated to receive/send multiple versions of concepts

    3. Cleaning up what Lu has done on concept downloading (maybe 70% done)

    4. Make it more seamless to get concepts out of the OCC system

    5. Make it easier to group and download sets of concepts and easier manage them

    6. Ensure large (e.g. MVP dictionary) uploads are possible/feasible (UUID's?)

  • How to move forward

    • Review ?OpenMRS Concept Cooperative (OCC)

    • JIRA project for OCC: Review tickets and make sure the issues are up-to-date

    • ?unnamed link needs to be worked on as well

    • Jembi has resources to assist with OCC work - ?@Ryan Crichton is leading the effort.

    • ?@Ben Wolfe: Some work has already been done on linking to openEHR

    • The project team will be providing updates on the wiki and dev list, and occasionally join this meeting with updates/demos.

  • Ideas and possible new features

    • ?@Darius Jazayeri: Users may not want to share their entire dictionaries (specific concepts can be retired to be excluded from the upload or the OCC maintainer could remove/disable them on the server)

    • ?@Glen McCallum: Mappings to SNOMED CT

    • ?@Roger Friedman: Allow direct sending or creation of an archive package for "offline" sending

Google Code-In

1.7 Release

  • AMPATH will have the necessary environment for testing next week

  • One week of testing. Due to some recent changes, an RC2 build is necessary for them to use.

  • One patch needs to be reverted -- ?@Jeremy Keiper is working on TRUNK-1833

  • Current projected release date of 1.7 is 9 November 2010

    • TODO: Update release date in JIRA

1.8 Release

  • Performance tests are up and running. CI is reporting the tests as successful despite a "failed" (i.e., long-running) individual test, but that's not a major issue.

  • The latest test results are available at http://go.openmrs.org/performance

  • Widgets, data exports, reporting, patient dashboard

  • Darius has a test for Reporting Module that needs to be included.

  • BIRT Reporting Module is being de-scoped for now because of lack of an accurate test and no resources to work on development for it.

    • ?@Wyclif Luyima has had problems getting BIRT reports running in his dev system

    • Darius: If someone could run a BIRT report with firebug stats and profiler output, people (even though they're not BIRT experts) could look at it for any obvious potential issues to fix. TODO ?@Darius Jazayeri will contact ?@James Arbaugh to see if he could provide that.

  • TODO: Wyclif will send out an e-mail to dev list with latest update and notify about freezing any new features for 1.8 on 16 November 2010.

  • Current alpha release date for 1.8 is 2 December 2010

After Action Review

  • Format seems fine

  • Provide in advance an outline of information presented  so people can follow along

  • We're still missing our timelines a bit

  • Screen sharing could help when there is something to share

Bonus Topic!

  • Quick Stats Module --



  • Backchannel IRC transcript

  • Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download - available after the meeting