2010-11-18 Developers Conference Call
18 November 2010
In Attendance
@Michael Downey
@Paul Biondich
@Dawn Seymour
@Ben Wolfe
@Jeremy Keiper
@Nyoman Ribeka
@Wyclif Luyima
?@Darius Jazayeri
?@Former user (Deleted)
Quickly review previous meeting minutes (5 min)
Searching for drugs
After-action review & next week's agenda (5 min)
Previous meeting minute review
TODO's from last week
Darius to email Burke about getting an RG DBA to look at the query
Paul will look into it with the DBA's that sit next to him.
Glen to make tickets for tasks and versions/iterations of the concept proposal module
Darius saw some tickets get created
Uncertain status
Ada to spec out what minimal functionality would be needed by AMPATH for concept proposal module
Ada has been out this past week, no updates - TODO
Add concept mapping to design call
No updates
1.7 Release Update
AMPATH has tested. 3/5 issues are related to HTML forms
Jeremy: Most problems are related to using old data. Some questions about HTML form entry are getting in the way of testing.
Ben still wants to release in light of the 1.7 bugs found by AMPATH so far
Ben has one follow up question in four parts:
1.6.3, 1.5.2, 1.4.7 is ready to go, wanted to release at same time
EOL 1.4 when 1.7 releases?
Should we announce EOL of 1.5 in parallel with 1.8? Paul: Yes.
Paul: Don't underestimate the amount of people looking at the software. Lots we don't know about; he's scared!
1.7 released today or tomorrow!
1.8 Release Update
Substantial performance improvements - up to 64% faster (or maybe more) at the moment
70% through widget re-work, Within next week should be done with
Reviewed the outstanding 1.8 tickets and closed/reassigned/updated them
TODO Ben will generate a new dataset for the new performance testing platform before it goes live.
2.0 Design Update
Darius did a demo of early 2.0 prototypes
Backchannel IRC transcript
Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download - available after the meeting