2011-03-10 Developer Meeting

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How to Join

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In Attendance

  • ?@Daniel Kayiwa

  • ?@Jeremy Keiper

  • ?@Michael Downey

  • ?@Former user (Deleted)

  • ?@Ben Wolfe

  • ?@Wyclif Luyima

  • ?@Mark Goodrich

  • ?@Mike Seaton

  • ?@Hui Xiao

  • ?@Darius Jazayeri

  • ?@Nyoman Ribeka

  • ?@Roger Friedman

  • ?@Burke Mamlin

  • ?@Ada Yeung

  • ?@Former user (Deleted)

  • ?@Ellen Ball

  • ?@Hamish Fraser


  • Quickly review previous meeting minutes (5 min)

  • Brief overview of MDR-TB module 2.0 (Mark G) (15-30 min)

  • Decide on how to handle tickets for modules that are either unsupported or lack a JIRA project (20 min)

  • After-action review & next week's agenda (5 min)


real-time collaborative notes

Last week review (20 min)

  • PIH may be able to test 1.8 in Lesotho, no more information about how yet.

  • AMPATH 1.8 testing is just starting today. Will go from 1.6.x to 1.8.0 beta 2.

  • More discussion about testing policy (who tests and when tests should be required for moving forward)

MDR-TB demo

Support for 3rd-party modules

  • Michael will review all modules and identify owners, then set up JIRA project for those modules as applicable, or list other information in the module's description in the module repository.

Summer of Code update

  • Approximately 20 projects listed on http://go.openmrs.org/soc2011 - please look through them!

  • Potential additional project: Permission Checker - see TRUNK-313

  • Initial list of mentors is subject to change

  • If mentors can't find an exciting/interesting project, please contact MD offline.

Miscellaneous topic

  • Darius sent out e-mail about testing 2.0 Framework. Please test!



