2010-12-02 Developers Conference Call
2 December 2010
In Attendance
@Nyoman Ribeka
@Michael Downey
@Wyclif Luyima
@Mark Goodrich
@Dawn Seymour
@Ben Wolfe
@Paul Biondich
@Jeremy Keiper
Greg Kelleher
@Mike Seaton
@Stephen Lorenz
@Glen McCallum
@Burke Mamlin
@Darius Jazayeri
Quickly review previous meeting minutes (5 min)
1.7 Release Wrap-Up (added in-meeting)
1.8 Release Status Update (added in-meeting)
Update on OCC progress -- Ryan/Ben (15 min)
After-action review & next week's agenda (5 min)
Real-time notes: http://notes.openmrs.org/devmtg20101202
1.7 Release Wrap-Up
1.7 has been released.
The name “GNOME” is an acronym of GNU Network Object Model Environment
1.7 Update
A few bugs reported so far
2 weeks = 700 downloads of 1.7.0 war file
The new jquery widget only shows the last 10 years - will need fixed in 1.7.1. Can also be typed in as a workaround.
Ben would like to hold out on any follow-up release to see if there are any new issues reported.
Burke: How did we do in terms of the release process? (Sy to Ben transition, goals for 10 "could" tickets to be implemented)
Ben: Didn't like that he had to do the release. :-(
Release manager & training
We need to be better with our backup release manager. A lot of the tasks aren't condusive to working together. May not be smart to have a backup for one to be primary on the subsequent one (overlapping time)
Discussion about how to have mentees, how to have others shadowing the release manager
Someone at Jembi has volunteered to do 1.9
TODO: identify a mentor RM
Ben is on the hook for when that person does whatever
Open questions about best way to do real-world testing prior to release... two month delay created by inability for a single site (AMPATH) to carry this testing forward, but when they did... they found 1 show stopper bug
Paul: Lots of good things happened with this release -- deadlines, roadmap, staying on top of tickets, community input. We didn't do a great job with creating a compelling "new" aspect motivating people to upgrade. (1.8's value is clearer, performance.) We should be clear on the compelling motivation to upgrade for each release.
Having a user-driven release makes it likelier to be installed & used.
1.8 Status Update
Where are we?
Wyclif: Most of the tickets are done. Some tickets in formEntry are still open, but 1.8 testing depends on those issues being resolved.
Long diatribe about ways to change the theme of the findEncounter widget, and also did some ad hoc debuggging
We are set at this point to release 1.8 alpha on next Thursday or Friday (12/9-12/10).
Not covered - out of time - deferred
OCC update
Un-Agenda'd Items
Integration tests for modules
Knowing when changes in trunk break bundled modules (only)
Other module devs will need to plan their own testing against new releases
Issue 1: Modules aren't ready to do JUnit tests
Using the maven repo each module could test against the nightly builds of openmrs
Issue 2: Integration tests with deployed webapp and specific modules
The module needs to be mavenized to get to this "status" -- still unsure the approach for this (required before proceeding)
Mavenizing Modules
TODO: make tickets for these
1.8 Stuff
Burke: We need to remember to have the release prioritization meeting
2.0 StuffBurke: Who should be release manager for 2.0? Darius? Someone else? Ben: Darius should be a mentor but not primary
(Topic 2)
Backchannel IRC transcript
Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download - available after the meeting