2010-12-02 Developers Conference Call


2 December 2010

In Attendance

  • @Nyoman Ribeka

  • @Michael Downey

  • @Wyclif Luyima

  • @Mark Goodrich

  • @Dawn Seymour

  • @Ben Wolfe

  • @Paul Biondich

  • @Jeremy Keiper

  • Greg Kelleher

  • @Mike Seaton

  • @Stephen Lorenz

  • @Glen McCallum

  • @Burke Mamlin

  • @Darius Jazayeri


  • Quickly review previous meeting minutes (5 min)

  • 1.7 Release Wrap-Up (added in-meeting)

  • 1.8 Release Status Update (added in-meeting)

  • Update on OCC progress -- Ryan/Ben (15 min)

  • After-action review & next week's agenda (5 min)


1.7 Release Wrap-Up

  • 1.7 has been released.

The name “GNOME” is an acronym of GNU Network Object Model Environment
1.7 Update

  • A few bugs reported so far

  • 2 weeks = 700 downloads of 1.7.0 war file

  • The new jquery widget only shows the last 10 years - will need fixed in 1.7.1. Can also be typed in as a workaround.

  • Ben would like to hold out on any follow-up release to see if there are any new issues reported.

  • Burke: How did we do in terms of the release process? (Sy to Ben transition, goals for 10 "could" tickets to be implemented)

  • Ben: Didn't like that he had to do the release. :-(

  • Release manager & training

  • We need to be better with our backup release manager. A lot of the tasks aren't condusive to working together. May not be smart to have a backup for one to be primary on the subsequent one (overlapping time)

  • Discussion about how to have mentees, how to have others shadowing the release manager

  • Someone at Jembi has volunteered to do 1.9

  • TODO: identify a mentor RM

  • Ben is on the hook for when that person does whatever

  • Open questions about best way to do real-world testing prior to release... two month delay created by inability for a single site (AMPATH) to carry this testing forward, but when they did... they found 1 show stopper bug

  • Paul: Lots of good things happened with this release -- deadlines, roadmap, staying on top of tickets, community input. We didn't do a great job with creating a compelling "new" aspect motivating people to upgrade. (1.8's value is clearer, performance.) We should be clear on the compelling motivation to upgrade for each release.

  • Having a user-driven release makes it likelier to be installed & used.

1.8 Status Update

  • Where are we?

  • Wyclif: Most of the tickets are done. Some tickets in formEntry are still open, but 1.8 testing depends on those issues being resolved.

  • Long diatribe about ways to change the theme of the findEncounter widget, and also did some ad hoc debuggging

  • We are set at this point to release 1.8 alpha on next Thursday or Friday (12/9-12/10).

Not covered - out of time - deferred

  • OCC update

Un-Agenda'd Items
Integration tests for modules

  • Knowing when changes in trunk break bundled modules (only)

  • Other module devs will need to plan their own testing against new releases

  • Issue 1: Modules aren't ready to do JUnit tests

    • Using the maven repo each module could test against the nightly builds of openmrs

  • Issue 2: Integration tests with deployed webapp and specific modules

    • The module needs to be mavenized to get to this "status" -- still unsure the approach for this (required before proceeding)

  • Mavenizing Modules

  • http://tickets.openmrs.org/browse/TRUNK-1733

  • http://tickets.openmrs.org/browse/TRUNK-1686

  • TODO: make tickets for these

1.8 Stuff

  • Burke: We need to remember to have the release prioritization meeting 
    2.0 Stuff

  • Burke: Who should be release manager for 2.0? Darius? Someone else? Ben: Darius should be a mentor but not primary

(Topic 2)



  • Backchannel IRC transcript

  • Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download - available after the meeting