2006-04-27 Developers Conference Call

OpenMRS is growing

  • Zambia Group, Malawi Group, ...

  • Discussed options for growing the group

    • Define modules that are needed?

  • Changes coming to subversion

    • Using /trunk, /branches, and /tags

  • Unit Testing

    • How to test the UI?

  • Updates from RG

    • Data model changes coming

      • Adding addresses for users

        • We talked about making users and patient extend person

          • Duplicate names/addresses for users? Or re-model and even allow person to be the subject of obs? (to allow observations about users, etc.)

      • Sets - we will separate sets from classes

      • Synonyms - synonyms will be classified as alternate names or lookup phrases, we will add concept_synonym.lookup_only (or something like that) as a bit

      • Answers - we will add answer_class and answer_set to concept_answer table

      • identifier_type.preferred and/or identifier_type.required to promote and/or require use of identifiers

  • Transaction processing (Justin)

Discussion Points:

  • PIH needs to schedule a walkthrough of RG's order entry system