2011-05-05 Leadership Conference Call
05 May 2011
How To Join
Contact @Dawn Seymour for more information on how to join the call.
In Attendance
Paul Biondich
Hamish Fraser
Darius Jazayeri
Burke Mamlin
Chris Seebregts
Dawn Smith
Ben Wolfe
Road Map Meeting Justification - Burke (20min)
Re-envisioning OpenMRS calls - Darius (20min)
Organizational Updates - Dawn (20min)
Meeting Minutes
Road Map Meeting Justification
Paul: What are the goals of this meeting?
Burke: Benefit of annual implementers meeting provided an opportunity to bring core devs and core implementers together.
Darius: Implementers meeting has been very useful in the format that already exists for bringing together devs and implementers.
Darius: On the concept paper, put the names of anticipated participants
Paul: We need to figure out the time line and why the timing is important
Hamish: Would be great to have a US meeting for developers here that's easily accessible and productive
TODO: Burke and Dawn will work on listing out the participants in the concept paper
TODO: Paul and Dawn will list what the implementers meeting may not currently accomplish
Re-envisioning OpenMRS Calls
Darius: Still waiting to hear back from some of the group
We need to know more about what we want to discuss in regard to OpenMRS each week to make meetings more efficient
Group topics together in a group of calls
Paul: Hamish can help think of ways to engage implementers and have the space/time for them to come together on a regular basis
Paul: When you make the strawman, get owners of those meetings. Find people who will think of ways to get those meetings going.
Darius: Next step is to put down a strawman on how to synthesize this into 3-4 calls during a month (either weekly, bi-weekly, etc.)
Organizational Updates
Legal meeting on 11 May to transfer properties from the LLC to the Inc. (NGO)