2007-07-12 Developers Conference Call

2007-07-12 Developers Conference Call

<html><head><title></title></head><body>h1. Date

12 July 2007

In Attendance

  • Ben Wolfe

  • Paul Biondich

  • Burke Mamlin

  • Darius Jazayeri

  • Justin Miranda

  • Maros Cunderlik

  • Hamish Fraser

  • Chris Seebregts


Google Summer of Code Student Evaluation

Discussion about how students are doing.


Christian is in Boston, so things in Rwanda are a little slow. The state of the PIH implementations is that they are constantly reminding us that we need synchronization and we need to be able to produce reports. We have had a lot of good discussions and we are on course to having some good implementation. We have also had a lot of mock up and redesign of the user interface. Paul and Burke will be copied on the e-mails concerning this.


Paul told everyone that Adam is working with OpenMRS to completely restyle the web portal. It’s an early work in progress but he has gotten a lot of the basic ideas down and now it is just a matter of typing it up.

Zach gave an update of what he was working on.

Justin-Chris and I met with some students at Trinity, who are working on a small project. Chris and I agree that we really need to do more with modules. We need a concept to be able to replace things with modules, rather than just add to them. For instance, they want to do a touch screen user interface module and the question is how does one tie that in to the system? Some brief discussion about this question.

Meeting Adjourned
