2014-05-01 Developers Forum
2014-05-01 Developers Forum
How to Join
- Quickly review previous meeting minutes (5 min)
- Introducing GSoC students & projects
- After-action review & next week's agenda (5 min)
In Attendance
- You
Developers Forum 2014-05-01
- Michael Downey
- Aniketha Katakam
- Wiehwa Cheung
- Milinda Rukshan
- Lukas Breitwieser
- Vaibhav Agarwal
- Jeremy Keiper
- Paul Biondich
- Burke Mamlin
- Wyclif Luyima
- Ryan Yates
- Suranga K
- Elliott Williams
- Sara Fatima
- Vaibav Agarwal
- Alexis Duque
- Cosmin Ioan
- Vasireddy
Agenda & Notes
- Review last week's TODO's - https://openmrs.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RES/2014-04-24+Developers+Forum
- Old & not complete yet
- TODO: Burke will get PIH presentation from Mike Seaton added to the wiki page
- TODO: Burke & Darius to clean Road Map up
- TODO: Start having more hackathons - Discuss at https://talk.openmrs.org/t/lets-plan-a-mid-year-developer-event/ (ongoing)
- TODO: Testing discussion in dev forum
- TODO: We need to find way(s) to encourage implementations to help test new releases
- Not as old
- TODO: Plan an OpenMRS University on providing a walk-through that could generate (1) a video and (2) notes that could turn into a walk-through set of wiki pages + some explicit conventions
- TODO: Need some UX thought/experience to create a straw man for appropriate conventions for UX
- Introducing GSoC students & projects
- Alexis Duque, Lyon - France
- Project: Atlas Module 2.0 Project
- Mentor: Burke Mamlin
- Aniketha Katakam, India
- Project: OpenMRS RegaDB Integration
- Mentor: Hannes Venter
- Joseph Kaweesi, Uganda
- Project: Chart Search for the Reference Application
- Mentor: Daniel Kayiwa
- Kesha Shah, India
- Project: Blocking Algorithm for Patient Registration
- Mentor: Judy Wawira
- Lukas Breitwieser, Austria
- Project: Operation Theater Module
- Mentor: Harsha Kumara
- Milinda Rukshan, Colombo, Sri Lanka
- Project: System Performance and Utilization Module
- Mentor: Pascal Brandt
- Sara Fatima, India
- Project: IHE Interoperability - Patient Administration Management
- Mentor: Ryan Crichton
- Shubham Rai, India
- Project: OpenMRS Lite Module
- Mentor: Jeremy Keiper
- Stephen Po-Chedley, Neno, Malawi
- Project: Data Quality Module
- Mentor: Cosmin Ioan
- Ujjwal Arora, India
- Project: Administration Tools for OpenMRS 2.0
- Mentor: Wyclif Luyima
- Vaibhav Agarwal, India
- Project: OpenMRS CDA Generator
- Mentor: Suranga Kasthurirathne
- Vineet Kumar, Indian Institute of Technology, BHU, Varanasi, India
- Project: ETL/Predictive Modeling Across Multiple Platforms
- Mentor: Gaurav Paliwal
- Wiehwa Cheung, China
- Project: OpenMRS ID Platform Improvements
- Mentor: Elliott Williams
After Action Review
What did we expect to happen?
What actually happened?
What can we do better?
- Backchannel IRC transcript
- Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download - available after the meeting