2013-05-16 Leadership Call
2013-05-16 Leadership Call
Jamie Thomas
Owned by Jamie Thomas
How To Join
Contact Jamie Thomas for more information on how to join the call.
Status of IRS Responses
Status of Doc Sprint
Meeting Minute
- Status of IRS Responses
- Hamish has not heard anything from the lawyer
- Current deadline is May 22nd
- Hamish will email the lawyer today to see if they need anything else
- Status of Doc Sprint
- Open Health Conference in Cinicinnati in mid-June
- Have not talked about riviing the doc sprint
- 5 day event (2 about docmentation, 3 doc sprint on projects running in parallel)
- No one really owning the docmentation space
- OMRS13
- Continuing weekly meetings with the Kenay team
- Putting together registration packet and coming up with sponsorship outreach
- Puytting together volunteer roles and responsibilities
- Did a soft launch of the registration process, early bird registration until the end of July
- Any movement with HELINA group? Want to have some overlap with the conference.
- Working with local transportation in Eldoret to help accomodate our large group working to communicate with airlines
- Joint fundraising? Working on who will be responsible for approaching different sponsors and organizations locally and internationally
- Announcment for OMRS14? We will call for proposals in June.
- Burke thinks that it would be nice for next year to try and work towards incorporating tutorials.
- Local attendees? There will be consideration for speacial local attendees to give keynote talks.
- Should we make spaces for planned sessions? Is it neccessary to set time aside because people will ask for sessions that they are interested in.
- The last few years we have done a mixture of "structure and unstructure" which people seem to appreciate
- Community Road Map
- Q2 ends June30th
- Not alot of inspiration out there, would like to have eveyone looking that burning areas of need
- Document too detailed?
- Format might be fine but content unrealistic
- It should reflect our goals for 2013 and be honest about what can happen over the next 3, 6, or 12 mths.
- Would like to see it written for more of a customer not a developer
- Burke will work on simplifying
- Leads Discussion Schedule
- Would like to see Paul added to the schedule
- CIEL dictonary that is IMO coded
- Server is rather large to run multiple tools
, multiple selections available,